I lost momentum after I became a vampire and I haven't really thought much about it since.

I played the second one first. This one just didn't catch my interest in the same way.

I've been playing this for years and I don't know if I will ever retire it.

A lot of fun, especially with friends.

One of the first games I ever played. I've beat the DS version but I still want to get my hands on the OG to finish it.

The only Arkham I had the patience to 100% (those damn Riddler trophies....). I love pretty much everything about this game.

A staple of my childhood, though I never did manage to beat it....

Everything you could ask for in a great Batman game is here. Damn near perfect.

I've played through this game a good 5-6 times and I've still missed so much.

Another childhood staple. I still get the 1-1 theme stuck in my head occasionally.

I used to play this game relentlessly, though it hasn't aged that well.

Maybe the console version had a better hub world, but that Grievous minigame slaps harder than you could possibly imagine.