Games With Crossover Content That Made Me Want to Play Them

Inspired by Stovetop's 'Games I never would have looked at if Godzilla wasn't a part of it list.

This here is a list of all the games that crossed over with a different media franchise I enjoy that made me interested in playing the game in the first place. I haven't played every game on this list yet, (in fact some of these games are still wishlisted) but I plan to.

Multiversus seemed like it was at the very least competent, and I really enjoyed it's cartoon artstyle. Since it was free and I wanted to play as Batman, I tried it for a while but not long enough to really get used to it. I might try it again when it re-releases if I have folks to play with, though.
Haven't purchased Dead Cells yet, but from what I've seen, this crossover content looks extremely faithful to the gameplay of the Castlevania games. Main thing holding me back from getting it is the fact that it's a rougelike and I don't like to play those super often, but I do want to check this out one day for sure.
Tried it for Doomguy, but I just couldn't get into the game itself and didn't stick around with it for very long. Maybe if it played more like classic Quake, I'd have enjoyed it way more.
I didn't even realize that this game featured Dante until after I had purchased it digitally on PlayStation 3. I initially got it because I had finished Persona 3 and 4 and wanted to play something similar, but I never got around to it for whatever reason and I've put it off all these years. It's a priority game for me to play though, and I did get the HD version on Steam, which I plan on playing sooner than later.
I originally got this since it ties in with Alan Wake and had a DLC that was meant to be a teaser for Alan Wake 2. I ended up not finishing the game because I got frustrated with it, but after playing Alan Wake 2, I do want to come back to it.
Dead by Daylight is essentially the Super Smash Bros. of horror media. It features characters and content from horror film staples like Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre to the pillars of survival horror video games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill. That alone made me interested in playing, but after 250 hours I came to realize that this game is miserable to play. I won't lie though, when they added Resident Evil's Wesker to the game, and now that they've announced a Castlevania crossover, I'm morbidly interested in coming back, but I probably won't for the sake of my emotional health.
Back during my Hotline Miami phase, I got this game and the Hotline Miami DLC so I could play as Jacket. The game's tutorial ended up being way too complicated for me to bother learning and I never really played it for an extended amount of time.
My interest in Project X Zone and it's sequel has steadily grown over the years as I've gotten into more and more franchises from Capcom, SEGA, and Namco. A game with Dante, Vergil, Kiryu Kazuma, Goro Majima, Phoenix Wright, X, Zero, Ryu, Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama sounds like too much fun to pass up. Hope they put out a third one that has Ichiban Kasuga in it.
Back in the early 2010s, I had next to no knowledge of Capcom franchises, but for my entire life, I've loved Marvel Comics. Main reason this game caught my interest in the first place was because of the amazing trailers that the Marvel YouTube channel were posting leading up to the game's release. Those trailers were incredible, even though I didn't recognize the Capcom characters at the time, and it made me want to pick this game up day one despite my lack of Capcom knowledge.
I originally got this game for the Team Fortress 2 items, but it ended up actually being a very enjoyable poker simulator, and I even learned how to play poker thanks to this.
Back then, 2008 me was over the moon at Mario and Sonic crossing over. They were two of my favorite video game franchises at the time and I was extremely excited that the two were finally coming together. Then I played the game, and it was one of the most boring and forgettable games I've played in my life.
I saw Link on the cover of the GameCube version of Soul Calibur II and I was sold. Link meshed really well with the Soul Calibur cast too, he didn't look out of place at all.
I didn't know jack about other Nintendo franchises at the time, but seeing Mario and Link on the cover was enough to make me desperately want this as a kid. Melee played a key role in introducing me to other Nintendo franchises in general and got me interested in learning about all of the different kinds of video game franchises that are out there.


You have people to play Multiversus with (me)

1 month ago

@CodeNameYogurt when the game drops, I'm hella down

26 days ago

I'm like a reverse case for PXZ. I'm a fan of the companies in those two games, but there's a lot of characters from games I'd never played. It got me to branch out quite a bit which is really cool.
Heavily agree with your DbD comment.

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