Things I Like About the Games I Don't

Original idea from Stovetop:

Backloggd, as well as a lot of game discussion spaces in general, tend to easily get swept up into having miserable attitudes when it comes to expressing their opinions and feelings on video games of all things. I never go into a game expecting to hate it, and even when I heavily dislike a game, I'm usually able to find aspects of it that I enjoy. This list consists of positive details of those games that I didn't especially enjoy as an exercise in keeping myself from falling into the tired, cynical mindset a lot of folks have when it comes to viewing video games and other media. May update with more in the future. A lot of games I dislike are ones I haven't played in a very long time, so I'm mainly only going to be picking recent games I've come to not view favorably or ones that I have a good memory of.

Yakuza 5's combat is really fun. It might even have some of the best combat in the series, now that I really think about it. It's snappy and extremely satisfying, and I really enjoyed each character's individual fighting style, even Shinada's. Speaking of Shinada, he was a big highlight and his section of the story was pretty much the only one that didn't piss me off in some fashion.
The game's story is great. Bringing back so many characters from the previous games as completely different people, while having them retain their individual personalities made for incredible tension and an overall unpredictable narrative. Some characters in the remake are different from the original, which makes their impact a bit less effective, but I still really loved this dynamic. The OST is also really good.
Going to be using this game as a stand in for pretty much every single Sonic game I don't have a high opinion of. Regardless of how you feel about Sonic games, the number one thing no one can ever deny is that the music for these games is absolutely phenomenal. Even Sonic 06 has some bangers like Crisis City or White Acropolis.
For all of the low, looooooow points this game has, there are numerous high points that are just impossible not to get hyped for. A lot of them are spoilers so they're hard to mention, but essentially everything in chapter 4, the microwave sequence in chapter 5, and the final boss were truly excellent. I also really appreciate the improvements to MGS3's core controls. I love the themes of age and decay in regards to it's narrative. I also respect the fact that this game was even made, especially given the conditions it was made under. Being forced to create a game that was meant to tie up loose ends that were never intended to be tied up in the first place after being hit with death threats must have been a monumental challenge for Kojima and his team.

Also, without MGS4 we wouldn't have gotten Steak Bentley's amazing Metal Gear Solid 4 was a Mistake video.
I really enjoyed it's presentation. It's got a great vibe to it, and I loved the artstyle. It's gameplay is also fairly decent. I feel like it was better realized in Hades, which had somewhat similar combat, just without the ability to slow time.
Much like Transistor, I loved this game's presentation. The pixel art is gorgeous, and it's music was infectiously good. I also liked the combat, though I don't think I got far enough in the game to get a truly deep grasp of it.
Pretty much every single time I come back to Mario Sunshine, before I get to the levels with terrible gimmicks or experience the poor collision and weird bugs, it's genuinely a blast that makes me question why I dislike the game at all. It's core gameplay and controls are phenomenal, and even though I like the Galaxy games more, Mario absolutely feels way better to control in this game and he wouldn't feel anywhere near as good to play as again until Mario Odyssey.
Control looks absolutely incredible in terms of it's art direction and cinematic presentation. I also really enjoyed the unique off-putting tone the game has, and it's narrative was really intriguing from what I experienced. It's generally difficult to see during combat, which is my main gripe with the game, but when you CAN see, combat was enjoyable.
As much as I hate to admit it, this is the better version of Wind Waker. It removes a lot of the repetition from certain mechanics and it streamlines the infamous Triforce Quest to make it a lot more tolerable. I just hate how it looks compared to the original, enough that I don't enjoy playing this version.


2 months ago

This is such a lovely list! It's always cool to talk about the cool stuff the can be found in games, even in ones that don't click, great work!

2 months ago

This is a genius idea, and a great read.

I'm gonna pinch it.

2 months ago

i made a list like this a while ago! cool to see someone else doing something like it. it's exhausting to hate things so much

2 months ago

Just like @lesbiankakyoin, this looks very much like a list I made a while ago, ehich is great! This site needs more nice readings like this.

2 months ago

This might be one of my favorite lists on this website. It's definitely really easy to get swept in the negativity of a game but it's a great way to remind people that every game does have their own strengths. Definitely making a list like this in the future.

1 month ago

You can get the original colour palette and lighting back in WWHD using Cemu

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