Pretty relaxing space empire simulator.

A classic and a good RTS game.

Pretty interesting game to try and relax, while trying to spot every person, who wants to enter your great country on expired papers with forged stamps, typographical errors and with contraband on them.

Good platformer game with a great story about fighting your problems.

Good game both for casual players (as main story is not that hard) and hardcore platformer players (some extra maps and last extra chapter is hard to say at least).

Very advanced program for map paiting.

It can give a lot of fun and because of a lot of nations and a bit of randomness you can play many many times.
If only an DLC policy was better...

The most popular version of HoMaM games and even if it's not my favourite one, I can't say it can give a lot of fun.

Many cities with unique units, many campaign, easy to use map editor and graphics which are not bad after many many years.

Balance of cities is a bit off in my opinion tho.

My favourite HoMaM game, especially with expansions.
Each city is different, with unique approach on heroes and armies, many ways to advance your characters and many ways to trick your opponents on the battlefield.

Main story however is average, it has good moments, but some missions and "plot twists" are even annoying.

Interesting platformer and semi-survival game.
It can teach you a lot about patience, determination and how to choose your fights.


I bought this game after watching a full gameplay of it, because i felt like this game deserves it... and I was right.

Rhetoric: Unique gameplay, great story...
Empathy: It's easy to feel like a main character of this story.
Suggestion: You should give this game a try.

Really unique approach to roguelike games, better prepare good headphones/speakers before you will play this game.

It can be hard to get used to this uniqueness, but it's rewarding, when you do.

This is an interesting MMORPG game.
First of all there are a lot of content to do, especially that new content is added every year. Also this game is great for solo and group players, as most of story content can be done alone... which is both good and bad.

Sadly new content also means a lot of DLCs, which are not too cheap. There are main chapters DLC, dungeons DLC, small chapters DLC, rich shop with a lot of skins for crowns, which you buy with real money. And remember, base game is also not for free.

Sure in theory you can have access to most of content with monthly subscription (except the new chapter) and during this subscription you are getting some "free" crowns, which you can spend you buy DLCs, but still the price to buy every DLC is big.

And PvP in this game is not the best as it's not getting a lot of support.

It's minecraft, what else I can add.

One of biggest mods to Terraria, adds a lot of stuff to do, if you finished basic game.
New class, new bosses, a LOT of new items, this is a great mod.

The issues I see are that especially on muliplayer mod bosses can be really unpredictable and hard to avoid. Also sometimes there are a lot of shit on screen, which can be too much sometimes.

Also balance is a bit off (and acid sea + depths are very badly made).

Amazing game.
A lot of stuff to do, world to explore, bosses to kill.
Especially good with bunch of friends to play, tho not necessary.
Rich modding community and also game is still supported by their creators.