I just finished Another Crab's Treasure with all achievements with about 21 hours of playtime. One of things I really love about this game is that is comes off as a vibrant, silly, innocent kids game but in reality it's just like every other souls games, it's difficult, it has a dark story, hard bosses, swamps, and... vibrators? but I love every bit of it. There was a few moments in this game where I was soft locked or a bug occurred which was kind of annoying, luckily nothing really ruined my run and the devs are patching the bugs super fast. Other than that, this game is an amazing souls experience and I highly recommend it if you love the soulslike genre.

initially I thought this was going to be some boring card game but I was so wrong. This game is one of the most addicting roguelikes I have ever played. I love the art style, visuals and aesthetic of the game. I really like the feature where you have a chance to make your own cards because you can make them super op. Ultimately, this game made me appreciate card games and it's super fun, that's why it's 5 stars.

There is no other game that I have played that makes me feel the way that Fallout 4 makes me feel. I feel so lonely but also so extremely immersed when exploring the wasteland. Turning on the radio and killing creatures, stealing from people, base building, the story, the silly little glitches that happen here and there along with the many other features that make this game so amazing to me. This is my favorite Fallout game in the franchise and It's a really amazing experience when you don't have a New Vegas super fan screaming in your ear that the game is bad. Mods also take this game to a whole other level and I highly recommend.

First time I fell asleep playing a game. Worst AAAA title of all time. Ubisoft needs to retire from making games.

I bought this game 16 times for my friends on Steam and my bank locked my card for a week.

One of the first single player, story games I actually played as a kid. This game definitely had an impact on my taste in gaming at a young age.

This game is so awesome and I would totally pay for it if it wasn't free. It def needs content added to it but I highly recommend.

This is probably top 3 worst things I've ever played.

Best souls game I've played and one of the best games I've ever played in general.

I only got this game for the Rust arcade machine.

I was listening to LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem on the in game browser just vibin and then BOOM! door bust down, im flash banged and FBI is busting in the crib. I have severe PTSD from this experience.