Whispers hushed upon from fellow gamer,
“Brother we live as his retainer”,
Hymn’s echo down the chosen aisle,
as the crowd adjourn in single file,
The cloud room not but lay silent until chapel doors slam violent.
“Together we prayer upon his chair”
the Priest declares onto compliant stares,
as he turns to B-L-J up big, grand case of stair,
and look upon the shunned, his crying heir,
“My sons gathered here in jury,
See the one who dares to question, one to query,
be this a lesson to those who's faith un-purely,
for see he shall receive Doug Bowser’s Fury”.

I stand in plea, under coconut tree,
"Two visa I need, to Donkey Kong Country",
"We shall return to thee, return in 3D.
Return eating banana with big monkey".
"Miyamoto don’t concern, Miyamoto don’t cry,
for we, my friend, are booked to fly."

I bid adieu to Pikmin 2,
I say goodbye to little guy,
I cast a wish upon hermit crawmad fish,
that there will be no more shit talkin', big, hocotate ship.

Super Mario RPG, Miyamoto pleads guilty to drug trafficking.
A bag full of weed says he “bitch, let me blaze.”
he bellows from inside of hazy maze cave.

Fred Fazbear isn't prone to scare,
Stood bare with big, blue yeti mic in wear,
Schmidty better square up, better grow a pair,
Maybe get steel chair, instead of stop, blare and stare.


Join a colourful cast of rebel highflyer,
To snuff the flame and ascend to choir,
As Falcon Ron hums the fine tune of plier,
In this big, small indie game of Pyre.

Backwards in time to films of crime,
With mysteries to find to shiver your spine,
Immortality is like red wine to which is divine,
To one Marissa Marcel, whose lives are nine.

This game is fright with souls that died,
So, try as you might to run and hide,
For suicide would leave the more satisfied,
Than to stride down in hollow plight,
To big, Blight Town tonight.

There is trouble afoot in the neighborhood,
To repairman Gordon this is understood,
Armed he stood with letters and lessons of good,
He's a friendly reminder to those that should.

Ever wonder to yourself,
As you look upon your shelf,
Why do I exist? What do I do with all my wealth?
If you are one to squee,
And don't want 3D Odyssey,
Miyamoto would agree, give big Mario your money.

It's Majora's Mask and It's really rad!
But the fetch quests you do are pretty bad!
Deku's, Goron's and Zora's too,
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

Remastered to remove the grime,
That makes me really want to rhyme.
Tis a crime to steal a dime,
But worth your time if spent on 'Metroid Prime'.

Pikmin die, Miyamoto cry, and no one ever ask him "why?".
If you want 'no man sky' with little guy,
Then I ask you to give this big, small, game a try.

This review contains spoilers

Miyamoto roll big Mario into big doobie-o,
And smile big, teething, grin at Nintendo Executo.
He say "From big Princess Peach to big Princess Toad,
This story unfolds like big smelly bible told".