Late-Night Gaming

Games I've stayed up late at night to complete, for one reason or another.

Portal 2
Portal 2
For the most part, this game felt like it retained the first one's charm, making it pretty enjoyable and that more gripping.

I wasn't the biggest fan of certain sections of chapters 7 and 8, but chapter 9 picked up and had a cool ending.

With the credits rolling at around 2:00 AM, I thought a bit about puzzle games and how they're a genre I rarely play.
Calling this my "favourite puzzle game" feels like a weird statement because of that, but I don't think anything will top it anytime soon.
I planned on playing Portal 2 and realized I hadn't played this game in a long time, so I decided to give it a go and refresh my memory.
It hasn't lost any of its charm and despite some minor annoyances with the sections that required quick reflexes, it was a blast to play, making me finish it in one sitting.
At around 4AM, with the credits rolling and Still Alive playing in the background, I felt happy to have revisited it.
This game was hard. I thought I was just really, really bad at it, but being stubborn and reading how people had problems even on Normal difficulty gave me motivation to continue, whereas I would have quit or put the game down for a while in other instances.
At around 2:30 AM, I beat the final boss and was satisfied to have finally experienced this game, even if it brought me some frustration in certain instances.
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
The first time I played Chrono Trigger was only for an hour and I remember dropping it, because I didn't find it gripping.
Well, I'm glad I gave it another shot, because this game rocks and does so many things right it was hard to put it down.
And so by the time I finished it, it was around 3AM and I can confidently say it's one of my favourite RPGs of all time.

Fun side note: When I was fighting Lavos' third phase and destroyed his body, I was confused as to why the battle wouldn't end and legitimately thought the game glitched out on me. I realized that was a part of the boss and breathed and massive sigh of relief when that happened.
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
The Resident Evil vestiges of this game were definitely enhanced when playing it late at night, making it far more gripping to play.
Nightmare gave me a lot of trouble though. I wasted like an hour and a half on that thing before beating it. I guess some things have to live up to their name. :D
The game that indirectly inspired me to make this list.
It was close to 3AM when I finished it.
The atmosphere of the game felt generally enhanced when played late at night, making for a far more uncanny experiece.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Although I'm not a fan of the controls and the jankiness, the world, story and the design of the colossi really gripped me and made me not put it down until I beat it.
By the time I finished it, it was 3AM and I was ready to sleep. Well, the ending definitely didn't help. :D
Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3
I thought I could finish the last 2 chapters of the game relatively quickly, but I died, and died and died and died, a lot. I should have put it down, but I wanted to see its end and was too stubborn at that point to just quit.

The final missions of the first two games weren't a walk in the park either, but this felt harder than both in places.
I checked the clock every so often (thought not really caring how late it was) and as I got further and further into the chapters, a part of me couldn't wait for the game to end.

At around 4:00 AM, the credits rolled and I was glad it was over.
As the credits went on, I thought about the game's reception at launch and how it has shifted and looked at far more fondly now. While far from a bad game, I thought it could have been so much more and found a lot of the design decisions questionable.
Regardless, a part of me was also happy to finally finish this trilogy.
I remember dropping this game the first time I played it around 2 years ago.
A friend mentioned they played it recently and liked it, so I decided to give it another try, realizing I didn't give it a fair shot the first time. (I got bored and dropped it the first 10 minutes)

Well, it was a solid little game with a nice art style and an open to interpretation story. It took me a bit to get used to how the puzzles worked, but in the end, it was rewarding to figure them out. I'm not sure if there are many games (if any) with this style of gameplay, so props for the originality.
I was replaying the game and forgot how cool descending deeper and deeper into hell to fight Diablo was.
So much so I lost track of time for a bit before realized it was 2AM by the time I beat him. Well, luckily it was on a Friday night.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
I had finished my first semester in university and since we had a few days break, I was genuinely curious to try this game out.

And I beat it in one sitting, which took around 13 hours (11 if you exclude the short breaks in between).
It still remains my longest gaming session to this day and while I don't regret playing the game at all, I'm never doing that kind of session for any game ever again.

I forgot the exact time, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was either around 5AM or possibly already early in the morning by the time the credits rolled.
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge
While not something that blew my mind, this was a nice surprise after my disappointment with Castlevania: The Adventure.

Most stages, while having their tricky parts, were not long and could be breezed through. Combined with the fact that the technical issues present in the first game were not here, that pushed me to playing and finishing the game much faster than I normally would have.
Ys Seven
Ys Seven
When I finally got to the final boss, what I thought would be a 30-40-minute battle at most was too difficult for me to beat, even with all the healing items I had.

So, I went on to grind and got every character I had to level 60 along with their best weapons. That took a few hours, but I decided I wanted to finish the game at that time and persevered.
I over-grinded quite a bit as the boss was nowhere near as hard and I hardly used healing items during the fight.
While that grind was not my favourite part of the game, as credits rolled around at 3:30 AM, it was nice to know I finally finished my first Ys game.
X-COM: Enforcer
X-COM: Enforcer
In my defense, I thought it would end much, much sooner. I probably should have dropped it, but I decided to see it through and by the time I finished it, it was around 2:30AM.
If I play something like this again, I'll definitely take my time with it. So much time, I'll probably forget about it and never finish it. :D
Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand
This is widely considered the black sheep of the Ys series, although I had quite a lot of fun with it in some instances.
That feeling that I might experience something that will make me really dislike the game never came, but weirdly pushed me into playing more of it.
Brave Story: New Traveler
Brave Story: New Traveler
While a pretty derivative JRPG, it felt nice to play something that didn't attempt anything revolutionary, which weirdly made me finish it faster than I normally would have.
Didn't stay up as late for this one (1:30AM) in comparison to the rest.

1 Comment

5 months ago

Ys V's so easy to beat in one go. Later games are still on the short side, but not as much as this was for me. That lack of difficulty curve and abusable magic/health items helps a lot.

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