I was expecting this to be more like the Wii version because it totally has all the stuff, being the ultimate edition u kno, and it did have Jedi Temple levels ... but they were completely different levels. wot. this game is so weird. I guess I have to acquire a Wii in 2022 if I want to relive my original experience.

This is still fun tho even tho it often like. Doesn't work lol

(Legendary Edition PS5)
Because I played the second and third games a few times before I ever played this one back in the day (once it came out on PS3), the first one has always felt to me like an inferior prequel rather than u kno The One That Started It All. Still worth playing to go through the whole thing I think, but even with the improvements, it has been so long that I don't really remember what it's improving, and the "modern" graphics kind of just emphasize more that this game is like. from 2007

I miss the jumping from Andromeda tbh lol

Definitely my least favourite of the 4 soulsbornes I have played .. I was constantly staggered and killed if I got hit 1 time like .. let me stand up and do something

Did u kno games can look like this now whoa man

It was impossible for the story/world to be as Compelling as the first one. But still p good

hot take this game is Too Big and has Too Much Stuff

(legendary edition PS5) so much stuff in not a stupid long amount of time. a classic

(Legendary Edition PS5)

Excellent until the ending which still Sucks Mega Hard

I never played the DLC back in the day so those were fun. I appreciated how unabashedly stupid the Citadel one was


Extremely aesthetically pleasing (tunes, robots, ~atmosphere~, cat)
The gameplay did get to be Mixed Review-worthy toward the end.
If this was Letterboxd I would rate it 4 stars + heart

The things that were a little annoying the first time were much more annoying the second time. The camouflaged loading screens are Quite conspicuous and irritating... similarly the mixing of gameplay with cutscenes like... I would rather just watch a cutscene than watch half a cutscene, push the stick for half a second, and watch the rest of it. Also the combat only gets good once you add some more abilities / weapons ... and the Valkyries are SO ANNOYING hard to the very edge of not being fun at all. Sigrun (on baby mode) took me more tries than any boss in any game I think

Anyway still very good and I am definitely glad I replayed this before starting the sequel as I had forgot some important stuff lol.

Played a 2nd time to see the added stuff, which was pretty good, like more of the same goodness as what was already there. It is a little weird playing the whole beginning when you already know how it ends, but it's still so Nice & the music does as the kids say "slap."

Not actually a new playthrough (cycle goes on and on u kno) but I returned to it and played it a lot for a few weeks.

1º helping people in co-op which is fun, more single-player games should have a "just have a 2nd single player" mode

2º finishing the DLC which I did not feel like doing after completing the game originally. Very good. There's some reddit post or something saying how the DLC fixes all the problems with the base game, which I don't completely agree with but mostly yeah. It's not Better but it is Refreshing as in it Refreshes one's interest in the game u kno, kind of like the "problems" in the base game only become problems after you've been at it for a long time. The DLC is so Fast which is fun after taking time to look around and find everything etc. in the regular game.

Did the return to Yharnam thing which was fun, as there were people playing so if you summoned for a boss someone would show up. I kind of messed that up by also taking the opportunity to try an Arcane build, which led to me Really not needing help with most bosses lol. But that was also a good time, I like that in bloodborne using spells doesn't use up a weapon slot. Do not think I will do arc again tho. It led to me using LHB as it has good scaling, but I have used that before. Will try some weird weapon next time.

The second time I am logging this here but actually the date of the 50th time I played it, I have it bookmarked and return from time to time. It is a good game for taking a break with because it's over and done with in not-5-seconds-but-not-a-million-hours and it's just a little puzzle.

On this one I got 758 which is annoyingly close to my high score of 765 which I have hit twice. Beat that

I wish I had logged this closer to when I actually played it cause now I don't really remember my thoughts lol. Quite good, there were certain things I found annoying (blaster limitations, cameos, heterosexuality,), I'd say the story was worse than the first one but the gameplay was better ..? I still very much found it worth platinum'ing idk. Which, one way the gameplay was better is the collecting was less impossible lol.