386 Reviews liked by Q___

Doesn’t really feel that chill, doesn’t really look that good, doesn’t really feel that fun.



I could beat up 90% of the men in this game but would get beat up by 90% of the woman there.



Further proof that "sports games" could be fun if, you know, sports games deployed literally any imagination and focused on, you know, being a fun game to put your fingers on. On top of that, Pyre is also set in an exceedingly evocative world, which would be a plus even if it was some other game. More Pyre 2 less Hades 2 please.

It's fun for a few weeks playing through career mode and some of the challenges to unlock equipment and gear. Unfortunately with no course creator, the replay-ability just isn't there compared to 2K golf.

Janky, buggy, horrible, infuriating, but (somehow) that's all part of the charm.

I've heard someone call it "the best 3/10 you'll ever play," and that's stuck with me. It's so bad in so many ways, but there's nothing else quite like it. The good outshines the bad, and you're left with a truly unique experience.

That being said, if you hate ARK, I'm not arguing.

Hey, at least it's not Rust, right?

Quake 1 is the SM64 of the FPS genre, the level designers were terrible, but the guys working on the core gameplay loop accidentally created perfection with the perfect stew of talent mixed with creativity. (as well as dumb luck just finding the right shit to stick)

Part of that creativity is people like John Romero and John Carmack.
You take the Carmack away from Romero, you get a game with an idea, but a team that's too slow and uncreative, which is Daikatana.

You take the Romero away from Carmack, and you get a game that's just a scientifically calculated game-shaped grey slop, that's Quake 2.

Yeah, sure, having more standard hitscan weapons, having less frustrating major enemies, having a more grounded style, not having powerups be automatically consumed, having more realistic air control and having easier to find secrets sounds better for the average player... but you're left with a game that's just empty.

The roster of enemies is just dull, the weapon pool is generic, the AI has like 2 modes, either run directly towards you or run in your general direction then hit-scan, and it's just draining, sometimes they shoot a few shots directly in-front of them after dying for some reason?

No idea who thought making the pistol a slow annoying projectile was a good idea, makes the first impressions of the game egregious until you get the shotgun, and then you get to bask in how disgustingly ugly all the weapon models are, just a bunch of AI generated weapon blobs, at the very least they kept the weapons shooting straight.

Remember how Quake's rocket jumping was like, the best thing to ever happen to movement in FPS games? Yeah, you can only do that in straight lines now because your air control is nonexistent.

This game wasn't intended to have, and really does NOT deserve the name of Quake, this feels like a crumby shooter you'd see a large publisher shit out in response to a game as groundbreaking as Quake 1, just go play one of many great Quake mod packs instead of this insult to rocket jumping.

It has been like pulling teeth trying to complete this game for the past 5(?) years. I was a day one purchaser, big fan of Gearbox’s only good franchise, and on paper Borderlands 3 should be great - but Ive been just so impossibly bored. Ive spent a long time wondering why… and I think I figured it out: for a game thats called “Borderlands 3”, it sure doesnt feel like its really about The Borderlands anymore, does it?

Maybe its strayed too far from home. It seems the bigger Gearbox makes the bottle, the more they let the lightning out. As much as I hate Pandoras sometimes monotonous beige desert feel, I think Borderlands used to represent a specific kind of space-western vibe. The harsh trappings of the desperado wasteland, mixed with the exotic qualities of alien wildlife, made into a comically deranged satire of a Mad Maxian society. Without that, what is it a satire of? What satire is happening when you plug the Ice-T teddy bear into the navigation of your colony ship?

The game calls you Vault Hunter alot but did it ever feel like you were hunting or searching for anything? What were you, then?

loses big points for sequel-bait, but a very tight 2d action game with a killer soundtrack and a very novel approach to narrative and dialogue

Finally expands the car list to FM4 numbers, but the repetitive campaign and humdrum presentation returns from FM5 too.

Very solid bones, excellent Meta narrative. Loop became stale faster than I thought it would. Great moments with friends however.

now you know why ubisoft always copy paste it's games

Man, this one is so addicting.

I originally played this years ago on pc. Every time it got updated I did another playthrough, and every time I had to play non-stop until I finished the 35 years. Just like now.
Yesterday I found out about the mobile version and well... I only stopped because it was 3am and I had to sleep.
Today, after making an AAA MMO I decided it was time to quit this drug or else I wouldn't do anything else for days.

You would call me crazy if I told you there existed a Scooby-Doo metroidvania, but I’d still be right. Scooby-Doo: Night of 100 Frights is that game that scratches the licensed cartoon character video game subgenre itch Heavy Iron Studios was known for at the time (RIP).
Just a disclaimer first: I have a big nostalgia bias towards the game I beat 10 times during my childhood.

It sounds like they used tracks from the actual show for this game. The music was immaculate,and each level nailed the Scooby-Doo vibe from the 60’s. It truly indulged in the Hitchcock-Romero era horror aesthetic the original show was known for. The game truly feels like one for all ages with its fast & loose albeit still accessible platforming. The inward spiral styled progression of visiting each of the 3 main worlds until you can reach a boss and clear one of them until none are left. It’s nice padding, I don’t hate it like I do when other games do it; however, I suppose that enticing backtracking with that strategy isn’t something unique to this game. I just like how the game does it early on. All & all, it’s worth a play. Plus the Gamecube’s audio is noticeably worse quality so it actually sounds like a Scooby-Doo episode.

If I were a sick, twisted human being, I would say this game is better than Banjo-Kazooie.

Luckily, I'm relatively normal, but I still think this game is very good. The theming from the show leads to great writing and fun locations, core gameplay's pretty solid (especially Sandy's), and the music and visuals hold up really well. There are some rough spots with the controls and some really bad spatulas, but overall I'd say it's one of the better licensed games out there.

I think the most annoying thing about normie-farming big business is that its actively incapable of promoting good things. This game is 1. an incredibly fun, zany 2. COD knockoff 3. focused on cosmetics of 4. two of the most popular DC characters ever, and its dead in the water cuz it came out in 2012 instead of 2022.

Like, cmon man. Were gonna make drek like Suicide Squad but not cash in on Gotham City Imposters, especially when its the kind of thing on paper they would cash in on? Can there be absolutely no justice in the world? Not even a smidge? A crumb?