34 Reviews liked by R0xom

controls are awful, the level design is terrible, the soundtrack is so painfully generic, and the visuals in general just suck. it's a genuine shame i can no longer get a refund for it.

There's something... extremely engaging about this game, despite my dislike or, not being able to enjoy that much games like this, e.g. deep rock galactic, i get a feeling of "yeah i want to play a lot more" from this, and i can fully understand that because this runs like a japanese mid life cycle ps3 game on my pc and even with that shitty performance im still having fun.

easily the worst game/vn i have ever played.
it panders to annoying, boring cookie cutter femcels that want to feel represented by a romanticized version of them. this is further proven by the sprite of the artist in the end of the game.
the background art is pretty, that is the only compliment i can give this game, but the sprites are ugly and static. there are also no CGs.
the choices you make in this game do not matter because the dialogue doesn't branch out and the outcome is always the same.
i disliked this project so much i unfollowed the artist on instagram. genuinely the worst 30 minutes of my life

Everything about this looks visually like shit and its sad that i've gotten to the point of praising something because "it looks ass" and i laugh about it, its like laughing as a kid because because your teacher said "penis" or "vagina", now i dont even know where im getting at with what im saying but is JUST LIKE IN THIS GAME, no i dont want arrows, i dont want to be handheld to where i have to go, but the fact that this gives me the same feeling as [insert empty sandbox openworld] speaks volumes for me so the shelved games it goes, i'll pick you up some day again baby because there's still something in you i could dig up...

I'm sorry Baroque fans, style over substance is a real issue with this game.

Now that I caught your attention, I'll go on over why I think this game is poorly made. So I guess I'll have to start with the good part of the game to see if we are on the same page with that, the art style/aesthetic seems to be what most people like about this game and I totally agree! This game rules visually it has what people call "Soul", so don't worry Baroque Soul Squad I'm on your side, but that's pretty much all this game has to offer.
Now let's get down to business, First of all, I hate the gameplay loop. It's honestly not terrible at first but then you realize that it's the very same gameplay loop for the entire game, walking through the exact same room, and same corridors for over 20+ floors in a row and relying on RNG to get enough item to survive, it's not fun! And what irritates me the most in this game is that the goal is not just to get to a set amount of floors to get the ending, no, no, no... You have to do some "invisible" trigger quest to activate the ending or else it wouldn't be fun right? Well without a guide it's literally impossible to guess what you have to do, It's all too cryptic and to me, a game that ends up being pretty much impossible to beat without a guide cannot be considered good and if it's a secret ending why not but the main ending of the game hidden in small stupid precise events is just... frustrating.
And while I'm here I guess I'll trash the story as well, it's just nonsensical babbling, I do agree that the idea is cool but the game doesn't explain anything to you, they just expect you to understand this mash of information that just means nothing! I keep seeing people writing on and on about it but it's just theories and speculations, most of them are just people reading vague Japanese bits of info translated into English and made-up theories, I'm glad they are having fun but as a game story it just means nothing.

So yeah I do understand why people love the uniqueness and charm of the game but I don't understand why people rate it 5/5 as if it was the greatest thing they've ever played, I wonder if most of them even finished it, no offense.

get a game designer please or learn to copy well

i dont think anyone thats saying this is better than kings field has ever actually played kings field

the dark souls of games that look like flash games but aren't

finally. mankind has been able to create a second 3d platform game, after all this time...

ive only played this for like 2 hours so far but i think its the best game ever actually

Play on highest diffculty, enjoy kino

one of the most slept on rougelikes out there, spelunky combined with dungeon crawling, multiple classes, traits and skill trees.

the fundamental mechanics are not well thought out, after the usual main back and forth there are not many things that keep the game interesting besides the gimmicks because the design asks so much of the risk and reward dynamic so straightforward.

in games, decisions go beyond solution = problem. you go into intricacies where future and past decisions affect the way you move, interact, and the world changes. etc, etc. the closest the game comes to this is the weather system and the ship's camera mechanics, that absolute carry the game btw, one of the best things it has to offer.

if the game starts to design and focus more on how to make the game NOT break down and run out of replayability after a week maybe the game will transform into something really special, in the meantime, it is worth seeing the potential it has to offer