Oh, Bloodborne. You are really something out of the ordinary, but also incredibly demanding and unforgiving. Having just finished DS3 and returning to the world of the hunters it's very obvious Bloodborne demands a more risky and aggressive playstyle and that you have to rely on your gun as a pre-emptive shield or stun gun. And the blood bullets are there for a reason.

I thought I would get the option of wether I wanted to start a NG+ after the final boss, but no. So take note if you've not completed the DLC or other areas.

Unplayable bc of camera wiggling back and forth every time you attack. I get it's a stylistic choice from the devs but this should be possible to turn off.

Not much to add to the almost decade long praise this game has been subject to. But also an exhausting experience, so I didn't bother with the Nameless King at the 'peak before ending the final boss. Having played Sekiro and Bloodborne before any Dark Souls-games I did'nt feel like there was any benefit in skills aquired in those two games, but the general slower gameplay pacing in DS3 suited me better. Which is why the two other games are still unfinished and DS3 is completed.

In case you been on the fence because of hype (as I have, I admit), you're missing out.

I don't get virtue signaling trigger warnings in front of a game. As if an acute suicidal person would boot up a game to begin with, but even if so, would be in a clear state of mind to read said trigger warning and act accordingly.

I "survived" until I got the screen card "Day 1". It's like 20 min into the game, by then I've had it with the obnoxious and passive aggressive MC, the stuttering side characters, the "wobbly" camera when walking, having to get to a spesific location to trigger the next event in the game, and the overall lack of believability of the framework this story sets up.

Easy skip and I would have claimed a refund if possible.

Play SOMA or What Remains of Edith Finch instead of this crap.

A well made experience with an interesting story and a great narrating voice actor! But I find it hard to describe this as a game. It's more like a "story walker" with a tight script, and the few interactive elements does not count as "gameplay" (to me atleast). But it's worth your time, hands down.


It seems like Supergiant Games has a knack for creating a visual style and world building which hooks me in, but does not deliver any sort of gameplay that brings me enjoyment. It was not clear to me that this was the same company behind Transistor and Bastion when I bought Pyre, but had I known I probably would have avoided this game altogether.

Oof, this was a sluggish experience. Clunky combat, no remapping of buttons, poor lock-on function, wiggly camera and surroundings tilting back and forth when moving = nauseating effect. Every weapon was incredibly slow and the special ability was just confusing and cluttered up the screen.
Just a total failure when it comes to gameplay.

Nah, I can see why this might be popular amongst retro-gamers, but to me this didn't look or feel like the SNES classic did. I gave in at the boss fight right before you get the airship, probably under leveled because he could wipe out my whole party even though I had two who could cast healing spells. And grinding as a game mechanic to be at the "right" level is not a function I miss from the old days.

This has to be a somewhat hidden gem from recent year. If you love Tim Burton's stop motion movies you're going to love this game's artstyle because they wear their influence out in the open. And there's so much to look and marvel at that sometimes it feels like the gameplay gets in the way.

The world building and character gallery is absolutely amazing and the amount of creativity poured into this game is wild. The only negative thing regarding this, is that the game is VERY monologue heavy, as in at lot of the side characters are fleshed out with a lot of back story and boy to they want you to hear ALL of it. Sadly sometimes less is more, because after the first few worlds it starts to get a bit exposition-y.

The balance between exploring and figthing is okay, but towards the end the battles tends to be a bit on the repetitive side, and even though the mix between action and deck builder is fun to begin with it lacks the necessary depth or "fun" factor to last through the whole game.


Nice, like a cup of tea. Probably won't remember it a year from now, but enjoyed it and could have one more later on.

Played on Nintendo Switch. Nothing too demanding puzzle wise, but quite annoying not being able to rebind the buttons, that would've made the action parts less clunky.

If you're in the mood for a isometric Zelda-like game with a crazy cast of characters, then you're in luck because that's exactly what Nobody Saves the World is. The gameplay is solid and a bit out of the ordinary due to the amount of playable characters you get to choose from with their own complete movesets and attacks. The bodybuilder, the magician and the horse where among my favourites, but the slug and the rat is also worth mentioning.

The game is filled with humour, quirky NPCs, slapstick and funny dialogue and if you're familiar with Guacamelee you know what to expect in that regard.

To me this was not a binge game, because when I had one third of the game left I needed a break and wasn't sure I would complete it, though having enjoyed it up until that moment. But returning to it a week later it felt "fresh" again and nobody ended up saving the world.

They tweak the gameplay for NG+ and the new rules sounded fun, but my run with the game was fullfilled. Happy to have played it.

Having finished Nioh 1 and wanting something different before going into Nioh 2, I quikly realized that wasn't the case at all, so Nioh 2 it was.

And finally getting comfortable with the combat system from the first game towards the end of that game, it was a somewhat jarring exeperience having to relearn the fundamentals because of some major changes to the combat in Nioh 2, which added even more complexity to something that was already challenging. And implementing the three different types of Yokai burst into the combat and the Yokai abilities took some time, but wether you find the game manageable or not depends of being able to implement these aspect into your fighthing.

There are alot of weapons in this game, and they are very varied in my experience and you really feel the difference in how you play regarding what weapons you use. Which is a good thing if you are like me: becoming a jack of all trades and master of none. Becase the weapons are meant to be used in three different stances (high, mid and low) depending on what you're doing in the fight and require fast motor skills in your finger and memorization, to get the moveset to become fluent. Where I mostly spend most of my time in one stance for longer periods of time. This can make the combat a bit samey, but hey then you can switch weapon and plebs like me get a different feel in the combat!

Nioh 2 is also mission based, which makes it a very focused game, and the hub world is like a advanced menu where you can do all types of upgrades and forging equipment. Still there's too much loot for my taste and the game lacks certain QoL improvements regarding upgrading and improving equipment and weapons, which make the process quite tedious late in the game.

A brutally hard and stress inducing game. I "enjoyed" my time with it, but probably won't be finishing it any time soon, if ever.

A world building to my taste, but the overall execution of the gameplay wasn't all that. Didn't get accustomed to either the shooting mechanics or the close combat fighting.

Not to my taste at all. Three hours in and there were nothing there to keep my interest. I would've preferred it if they skipped the kindergarden stuff all together and just started the game with Aloy as an adult. And first real "mission" was nothing more than a fetch quest. I picked up a couple of side missions along the way, but more of the same "go there, pick up whatever". What a disappointment.