A game I wanted to love, but the traveling became tedious and boring to repeat each time you die or the time loop resets. Too little time to explore or make progress for my taste. Fantastic concept and world building though.


Big, boring, empty world with dull quests and an annoying hover bike for traversal. A beautiful artstyle doesn't save it from being a lackluster gaming experience.

Note to self: Don't buy games because they're cheap and have a appealing visual style without researching them first. This was not for me at all.

Exactly what it says on the tin (A hack-and-slash RPG featuring a reactive narrator) with an art style and colour palette much to my taste, but I did not enjoy the gameplay.

I picked this up from YT where it was presented as kind of "2-D soulslike". Not so. It has parry and dodge, but otherwise this is a classic Beat 'em Up style game, set in China.

It has a pretty solid and deep combat system, but most of the time the number of enemies coming at you are so plenty you have to rely on the "crowd control attacks", because there's no time to focus on just one enemy. And each enemy takes an enormous amount of hits, even on easy. I guess this is the reason for including skill trees (nine of them, one for each attack) because I don't see myself completing this game without these power-ups.

Not bad, but not memorable either. Had I research the game a bit further, knowing it was a Beat 'em up with brawler/hack&slash elements I would not have picked it up.

A 2D fantasy Hack&Slash with an upgrade system. I don't consider this to be an RPG in any way. Pretty straighforward regarding progression and advancing the story. The fighting is too much button mashing for my taste, and the bosses are more of a "bullet sponge" than a real challenge.

Not a particularly bad game, but not worth the time either.


Loved the art style and world. But gameplay wise it got boring and the "fetch quests" seemed never ending, and they didn't make much sense within the world (to me at least). In the end I was more curious about seeing how the village evolved than going out to get item number x because "plot".
At some point I just had enough and the game didn't intrigue me enough to keep me interested.

Afterimage is a huge and ambitous game with a beautiful artwork, but it outstays it's welcome by being too massive and too clever for it's own good. In some parts the game just becomes too obtuse to figure out where I'm supposed to go next or how to proceed to evolve some of the quest lines, but storywise the game just rams exposition dialogue down your throat ad nauseum. And there's no way I would've figured out some of the secrets in the game without having to look them up.

The gameplay is solid, the controls are precise and the game world is fun to explore. But the story is pretty uninteresting and all the characters function more like exposition tools and quest devices than being real inhabitants of this place.

Other con's: the menus are a mess, the skill tree is confusing and a hassle to manoveur through, the vendors who sell/buy things are too far apart, having to buy potion to be able to fast travel to different location makes backtracking inefficient and a bore, getting rid of items one by one is a chore, no "sell all" option etc..

First part of game deservers every bit of praise, hands down, but when it let go of everything from the first part.. nah, I'm good, thanks.


Nioh definitely has it's own rhythm and pacing when it comes to the combat, and to me it only started to make sense towards the end. But then it became quite enjoyable. The amount of loot is over the top and I wish I learned sooner to focus on a specific armour set piece and focusing on improving that one, rather than using a piece of this and a piece of that. The menu system and shop has room for improvements.

The game is mission based, which suited me just fine. And all the written lore and video cut scenes made it easy to get back into the game after a few months away from it.

Some of the bosses are more a test of your ability to stagger your frustration than your skills. At least to me, not being at an appropriate level meant death over and over again.
But after finishing the story line I want more and are looking forward to Nioh 2.

I loved the art style and the setting, but by the time I got to the third boss I was just bored with the whole game, and felt done with it. Not sure why, but something about it just felt like a mobile or facebook game, even though I've never played any of those kinds of games.

A cool game with a stylish and fitting look for it's story. Gameplay wise it changes between exploration and sidescrolling combat and separates between the two very clearly. Some of the visual clues in the exploration are too vague and the combat could've needed some tuning, but works fine otherwise. The VR side companion is a tad too "goofy anime character" for my taste and does not fit the tone of the game at all.

I got fed up at the final boss. I kept dying at the exact same spot in the "fight", even though I had maxed out all the abilities and made sure to save the special ability to the third stage of the fight. Probably because I'm not using one of the gameplay mechanics correct (obviously), but then again the game doesn't prepare you for this fight, because there's nothing earlier in the game with a similar type of fight teaching you.

The lore, style and tone was right up my alley, but gameplay wise it got old quite quick. Upon entering the third "world" the game just couldn't keep my interest as it was getting predictable by then. And the loading times between each stage (not just the worlds) became annoying very fast. Spending 12-15 sec before entering the shop, then spend 10 sec in the shop and another 12-15 sec before entering next stage is a pretty secure way of loosing momentum and "urgency" within the game itself as well.

A game I wanted to enjoy but did not.

I've been looking for a game that game me a similar vibe and gameplay as Dead Cells, and that's just what I got from Children of Morta. I've never seen it recommended in any list like "if you like Dead Cells, you'll like CoM" and just downloaded the demo by random chance. Which was so good I bought the full game. It's a surprisingly well-crafted game where all the elements come together quite naturally. It's quite focused on the story, but it's never intrusive or info dumping you and it adds to the gameplay and goal of the game. Something I think a lot of games don't get quite right.
Maybe I should've added a half star on the rating, we'll see, but it's definitely better than the average rating indicates.

Accidentaly chose the Shura ending. Usually I don't do another playthrough, but then again Sekiro turned out to be the real deal.