While it hops back and forth, this is currently my favorite Tales of game. It's an amazing series for numerous reasons, but despite it being my first, Symphonia still sticks with me. The story is phenomenal, the characters are great, and the gameplay is still solid to this day even if its been outclassed. It's a game that really sticks with you after you finish it, it's no surprise that it's listed as the RPG to resonate with you by Namco.

Mario has shown time and time again that he deserves to be the most iconic video game character of all time, and Super Mario Odyssey is no exception to this. This game is just an infinite pool of charm and creative ideas, there's so many ideas jammed into this game that it honestly blows my mind just to think about it.

This is the only game I didn't play as a kid that I have over 500 hours in. It's not even a constant, sometimes I just boot up the game and can't stop playing it for multiple weeks. This game is just a dopamine rush of constant action and insanity, on top of being an infinitely replayable arcadey roguelike. Can't recommend it enough, just make sure you play it on PC. Mainly for better controls (and that it's really easy to run), but also because I highly recommend trying out Nuclear Throne Together, a mod that allows for easy online co-op and genuinely some of the best mod support I've ever seen for a game.

This was a game I loved as a kid, but soon forgot about after Katamari Forever came out and then didn't really think about for a while. After revisiting this game though, my gosh. "Masterpiece" is the simplest way to say it, but after picking this game up I just could not put it down. Even after beating the game, I just couldn't get enough, I got every collectible, did the inane 1,000,000 roses challenge, super cleared every stage, and even collected every object. Controlling your Katamari is as smooth as butter, the game is filled with tons of charm, there's tons of content on top of each stage being infinitely replayable, and I just can't get enough of it.

I know that this game is basically considered the Boogeyman in the Mother and even Nintendo community but I don't think I will ever waver from giving this game a perfect score. I will be honest though, they have a point. The encounter rate is obnoxious and the overworld and dungeon design is legitamately kind of awful, but this is one of the most charming games I've played in my life. The combat is simple but difficult enough to keep you engaged, the dialog is both funny and beautiful, the atmosphere is great, the story is excellent, and everything about this game just fills me with a sense of wonder. I am extremely biased as such a hardcore fan of the Mother series, but I just can't force myself to give this game a score under a 10.

I don't know what to say that hasn't been said. This game already has a reputation as one of Nintendo's intelligent and brilliant games ever. All I can say is that it's true. The gameplay's the best the series has ever been, the story's fantastic, the characters are genuinely very well-written, the Mother charm still runs through this game, and my gosh that last chapter. Perfect game. Please just emulate it though if I have to hear one more person say they're "waiting for the official release" I'm gonna scream.

Also play 1 and 2 first I beg of you! It makes it so much more enjoyable.

Edit: Congrats on being the best rated game on Backloggd Mother 3! I don't know how long this will last, but it makes me happy to see.

Dropped a couple great elements from the first game but still overall a masterpiece. The dungeons are really fun to explore and the challenge is always there. If you loved the first or third game I'm not sure how you'll feel about the different direction of this game but personally the dungeon crawling elements and bigger focus on the world of Pikmin were really great to me.

A weak overworld and the combat while great isn't quite as refined as Vesperia's version of the combat, but the story and characters are just phenomenal. The character development for the main character is what every story-based game should strive for, and there's just so many scenes in this game I think about on the weekly. Just a mindblowing experience.

A game that was admittedly pretty rushed so it ends up lacking in elements like side content and the final part of the game is much too short, but gosh dang dude the combat and characters in this game are just fantastic. As of now, this game and its sequel hold my favorite cast of characters in any video game. The combat is super addicting too, every character is fun and there's so many options with what you can do. The story is solid too, not the best in the series but a pretty enjoyable time. Overall, go play it it's good.

I feel like a scumbag giving this game an 8/10 considering how highly-regarded it is as a masterpiece, but honestly after playing the masterpiece that is We Love Katamari this game just really went down in my game rankings. It's good, great even, but it's not nearly as replayable as its sequel and is much more repetitive. Not only is there not much variety, but there's also really only three maps that get expanded throughout the game. It makes for a neat feeling of progression, but makes the game harder to replay. The levels also drag out way too long and the controls aren't perfect either.

That being said, an 8/10 is still a pretty great score. I strongly recommend this game, if only to play its sequel, but it's still an unforgettable, inspired experience.

This is the worst game I've played in my life.

Oh, before any Sonic fan says it by the way, the PS2 version isn't why I didn't like the game. I only ever had framerate issues on the first level and the multiplayer.

Everything about this game is a disaster. From the story, to the graphics, to the controls, to the level design, to the missions, to the hilariously unfinished multiplayer.

The story exists to retcon stupid crap into Sonic Adventure 2 and to be overly "edgy". This is sprinkled with the delightful multiple path system where the endings are extremely similar and the levels/cutscenes rarely connect into eachother. The graphics are ugly and look extra bad when contrasted with all the reused models from Sonic Heroes.

Shadow controls like he's on ice, the level design is bland at best and labyrinthean at worst, it even reuses level design within the same levels too which is insane for a game made by supposedly competent developers. The missions consist of annoying chores that can sometimes take over thirty minutes to complete while you listen to the white noise this game calls music.

This game is just a total trainwreck, please don't play it, go watch some funny YouTube man play it if you wanna laugh at the occasional unintentionally funny parts of it.

I have mixed feelings on this game, it bordered on a 5/10 for me. The first two stages are pretty boring, then the game actually gets pretty good for two zones! Then it becomes one of the worst Sonic experiences of all time for zones 5 and 6. 7 is decent though and the game was equalling out to be fine. Nope. The boss rush and final boss is some of the worst crap I've ever had to deal with. Just unbareable, skip this one.

Just to note, both times I played this game was as Megaman. Bass doesn't seem as fun so I haven't done it.

This is honestly a great game and doesn't deserve all the crap it gets, especially considering this is the same franchise as 9 and X6. The basic stages are honestly awesome and the boss fights are pretty fun with the notable exception of Dynamo Man and maybe Burner Man. They're all really creative and honestly not that hard I don't know why people say this game is unfair on Super Famicom, and this is on top of the great powers. The bolt shop and map of levels are great mechanics too.

This could have been one of my favorite Megaman games but what holds this game back is unfortunately the castle stages. The first one is fine but the second one is a guantlet of obnoxious bosses that is just unbareable, making for one of the worst stages in 2d platformer history, and the final stage is not much better. If you play this game, just stop after you beat the first King stage, you're not missing much.

This game needs seperate pages. The Playstation version of this game is really different from the SFC version and is more like a remake. That being said, the Arche profile picture will now give his opinion on Tales of Phantasia ooo. Surprise I actually don't really love it.

I understand the SNES was a console very limited in tech, but on PSX there was really no excuse for spell pause. For anyone who's unaware, in all versions except the Japanese exclusive PSP remake of Tales of Phantasia, the game will pause to play a spell's animation. Problem, for most of the game you have three spell casters. While one doesn't always pause the game this makes the game ungodly slow and honestly really detracts from the whole "one of the first action RPGs" point. The combat is already really basic and simple, but the constant pausing just drags the game down a ton. Top this off with some maze-like dungeons and an overly high encounter rate and this should be a game I hate.

Do I though? Eh. Not really. This might be my Tales fanboy speaking but this game is filled with tons of charm and it's nice seeing where the series came from. The combat is decently fun sometimes especially when you turn off spells on party members, the story isn't really that good but it definitely has its highlights and it at least kept my attention the full way through, and while the cast is nothing special, half of them are at least somewhat memorable and Arche is still one of the best characters to come out of the series.

This game really bordered on a 5/10 from me and honestly that's probably what I should give it, but I don't know man I'd just feel bad doing that to a game with as much historical signifigance and charm as this one. This game is at least somewhat enjoyable, just please take breaks and if you don't wanna finish it... Don't.

I love random encounters and overly large overworlds!

Combat is bland at best, characters are boring I can't remember one personality quirk about any of them, and the story at best is functional. Just another example of Dimps being Dimps.