Metroid-vania style game with interesting twist, you're the monster.

Cool premise, satisfying controls and combat, creative puzzles. The pixel art style is great too. The steady flow of new abilities and enemies keep the core gameplay interesting mostly, but it can feel a little repetitive by the end of the games short runtime.

Lack of fast travel and a difficult to decipher map layout make backtracking a bit of a slog.


Cute and creative puzzle game. The whole premise is about finding map pieces and moving/rotating them to open up new paths or uncover secrets. It could get a little frustrating when you feel stumped on the solution but when you feeling get it, the feeling is next level.

The art style is definitely one of this games highlights, everything looks great. Characters are adorable and the maps and scenery are gorgeous to look at.

Story is good for what it is, it takes you to a variety of different settings which keeps it interesting over the game's short playtime. Not much replay value but the initial playthrough is enough.

Despite the occasional roadblock and lack of tutorial/hints, Carto is a great little comfort puzzler. Would recommend.

You get to play as a shark, swimming around eating people, fighting other sharks and causing chaos.

The game isn't overly polished, there's a handful of minor bugs and it's a bit janky at times but it's a simple game about being a shark, it was never going to be perfect.

Story is short but decent, very funny writing. The whole story is narrated in the style of a nature documentary following the shark as you grow and evolve to become the Apex Predator.

If you enjoy open world games with loads of side missions, bounties and collectibles then you'll likely have a good time with this.

Huge nostalgia hit going back and playing this, the controls haven't aged well but the gameplay itself is still fun and the soundtrack is still great. Fairly easy trophy list too.

Been playing Destiny 1 & 2 on and off since the original Destiny 1 Beta. Just over 2,000 hours between both games and multiple platforms. The series has had it's ups and downs in terms of quality of content but it always had me coming back to it.

I jumped back in with the release of the Lightfall expansions and finally set out to get the last few Playstation trophies I needed for the Platinum and all DLC trophies. I loved coming back and mildly enjoyed the expansion but now feels like I can close the book on Destiny and play more games instead of grinding hundreds and hundreds of hours in this one.

Not sure I would recommend it for newcomers, it's a major time investment and at this point there's so much missed content that catching up with the rest of the player base is a monumental task in itself.

Love the art style and gameplay in this. Stardew Valley meets Hades. A couple of bugs, mainly with followers changing appearance randomly but overall great game. Definitely want to jump back in at some point to try out the Relics of the Old Faith DLC.

Played this in co-op with my girlfriend during Covid. She doesn't ever really play video games, but did play some Mario when she was younger.

We both loved this. We were honestly pretty sad once we had collected and completed everything. I love that they added the ability for a second player to play as Goo-uigi. Having a second character that can die without any real consequences is great for duos made of a gamer and a non-gamer. I imagine this would be a good game to play with a younger kid as well.

The game itself is standard Nintendo quality. Graphics look great, smooth gameplay, top notch music. I haven't played any Luigi's Mansion game since the original on Gamecube and this was a great way to come back to the series. Loved the settings of a hotel where each floor has a distinct theme.

Fun from start to finish.

Pretty terrible cart racing game. Art is crude, gameplay isn't very smooth and doesn't really have any balance.

If it wasn't a simple Platinum trophy I probably would never have even looked at this game to be honest


I went into Stray with little to no expectations and was completely blown away.

The world is so fleshed out and so intriguing to explore and learn more about. Even without voice acting, there's some really well written characters here and some great moments of humour and emotion.

The gameplay is simple but never got boring. Mainly platforming, a few stealth sections, some chase sections and some puzzles. If the game was any longer it might get boring but it didn't feel like anything over stayed its welcome.

Trophies are simple enough. Some collectibles, quite a few miscellaneous trophies you might get naturally from just exploring and playing. It does have one slightly tough 'Complete this section without dying' trophy that could frustrate some people; as well as a speed run trophy for completing the game in under 2 hours but it isn't super hard on a second playthrough and a guide.

Nothing exciting here.

Story is bare bones and a bit cliché. Graphics are almost cute but verging on ugly. Gameplay is super basic, could probably complete the whole 2 or 3 hour game without any of the upgrades.

Good for an easy Platinum trophy, but not much else.

It's not that this game is particularly bad, but nothing about it is particularly good.

Simple puzzle platformer. No real story, music and art aren't anything exciting. Very quick to complete, platinum trophy took me 1-2 hours.

Played this entire game in co-op with girlfriend and it was such a fun time. I loved the levels that played in time to music, and we loved trying to collect all the costumes and customizable items.

If you're going for the Platinum trophy however, the Ripsnorter is NO JOKE. Major difficulty spike for that challenge compared to the rest of the game.

Very simple gameplay but the writing is funny and the art style is adorable. Beat the whole game in a day, would've loved more to explore and do but enjoyed my time .

Absolutely loved this game.

The art, music, gameplay are all top notch. Great sense of humour in the writing too.

Highly recommend for anyone who grew up playing Gameboy Advance games. Similar vibes to older Pokemon or turn-based games.

Short but sweet.

Artstyle is nice and sound design is decent. Gameplay can be a little tedious with the running back and fourth between the same places and constantly having to sleep to progress tasks. Can also be a little frustrating with the lack of dialogue or hints, would be almost impossible to 100% without online guides.