24 reviews liked by RandomEncounter

This game is so fucking good I wish blonde twinks were real

My 27 year old coworker told me he wanted to fuck Sandy

Really delivers on the cinematic front. The first few hours of this game are enchanting, and the setting is so unique. It kinda falls apart towards the end. The combat I can take or leave. The OST is fantastic.

I wish I had more to say about this: For as much as I love the look and sound of it, the story just takes me out completely. Never scary enough to really do anything, never wacky enough to be enough on its own... It's a shame, cause what the game does try to do with body horror is actually really fun: you can clearly see J-Horror roots buried deep into this game. But actually playing it just... isn't really all that enjoyable!

Is it close to the Silent Hills of old? No not particularly.

Does it absolutely stumble on getting across some of its ideas and concepts? Yeah.

Are the chase sequences a bit rough? Yeah.

I still really fucked with this and everything it was doing. It gave me a dose of what I've wanted from Silent Hill for a long time, it had a vision and it sees that vision all the way through while trying to mix things up a bit.

I think it handles its themes of trauma and abuse trapping someone emotionally within cycles of self destructive and self distancing behaviors causing lashing out at anything that harms the ego and whatever normalcy one can cling onto fairly well.

I feel like even if it was a bit heavy handed at times (the beginning really tries to hammer home how depressed Anita is in ways that feel really corny) I cannot ignore the earnestness and the willingness to just fuckin try something here. The art direction, the atmosphere, the music, the tones.

No it's not Silent Hill 3 but it worked for me and captured me in ways that I really didn't expect. That last chunk of the game really fuckin hit me.

The first game to make putting in my name such a validating experience.

Online action-roguelike with vaguely Souls-like combat and extremely hot character models mucking about in the grime. Really, a dream; too bad the difficulty was balanced around its awful F2P model. God!

trying to find my girlfriend but i'm trapped in luigi's mansion

While the experience is not one I would recommend unless you are committed, the game does a wonderful job at enabling communication and communities. The amount of friends I made in the year I played this game was more then I would get from any other MMO. Its a lot of work but 40 people working together to take down raid bosses is a feeling that you cant get anywhere else

This game saved and ruined my life at the same time. It's a safeplace and a crack house at the same time.