This is the most fun Street Fighter game like ever

If you have a week and a half to spend on a single video game this one wouldn't be a bad choice

This game was very engaging for a long time and then the buildup to the end game happened and Godskin Duo killed a lot of enjoyment for me
I finished the game waiting for it to end
But man, that first 75% of the game was amazing and a realization of all the cool shit that was in DS2

A very refreshing fighting game and one of the last of its era of anime fighters
So many different ideas from games like KOF, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, and even Jojo's comes together to create something unique and fun to play

This is the best Smash game ever made btw

the maps suck but the general gameplay loop makes up for it and this is the best presentation in any FE game like ever

14 year old me thought this was the best game of all time so I'm gonna take their word on this

If you love convoluted puzzles in your metroidvanias then this game is for you

HHM turns the game into an annoying game of park the unit with good defense and/or speed on a forest tile and press end turn to get through a map which culminates in one of the worst endgames to play through with a smorgasbord of bad maps
The story also was very ehh tbh
I had fun with my Eliwood Normal run tho that was pretty decent

Tightest gameplay, best soundtrack, and a phenomenal story leads to KH2 being the peak of the series, a peak that SE have barely came close to touching with the KH3 Re:Mind DLC

I think if you haven't logged hundreds of hours into this game you are not properly living life

I really wish ppl remembered this game more for the really good level design and gameplay than they did for the really bad voice acting

This game actually has really good level design, a great soundtrack, and a story I like, it's just that there are areas where it needs a lot of work like Alia constantly hitting you up or stuff like Duff McWhalen's level
Other than that it's really good ppl are just mean :(

This might be one of the worst games I have ever played
Awful level design especially at the end
Imbalanced weapons for X and the worst that Zero has felt so far made this game a chore to sit through
Genuinely not a fun time at all
1 is for how good the soundtrack is and the fact that some boss fights are alright

A fairly strong story when it decides it wants to tell it is bogged down by possibly the worst gameplay in the series which is a shame considering how stellar KH2's gameplay was