Overrated as hell, ugly graphics and terrible controls, still a good game

It’s Mario Galaxy what did you expect

Best farm/life simulator I’ve ever played in my life

Yeah this game does not hold up as well as people think, but it’s still a classic and very fun. Controls suck though

Very flawed, but a step in the right direction.

It’s Mario odyssey what did you expect

Surprisingly fun, but the memes, internet, and bad updates ruined it permanently


What did you expect, it’s breath of the wild

One of the best rpgs ever created. Absolutely amazing world with beautiful graphics that hold up to this day. Endearing story, fun characters, and incredible turn based combat. Great game, a must play.

This game is ok. Way too long, worlds are not fun, convoluted story, underwhelming for finale of Dark Seeker Saga.

The story is pretty interesting and even tragic, if only the gameplay and terrible worlds made it a good game.