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I really tried to see what other people are seeing in this game but while I enjoyed the game overall the difficulty balancing and the combat left me with mixed feelings.

The experience of playing AC6 is valleys of boredom induced by tepid mission design that poses zero threat to the player interspersed with massive difficulty spikes from set piece bosses a la Souls games. It's incredibly uneven and frankly baffling that this made it into a commercial game in 2023. This problem is extremely pervasive and negatively affects what I assume is the core appeal of AC: the customization. The ideal should be that you can create your personal mech and change weapons when problems arise for it with a variety of solutions that are viable and fun. But once a wall hits you and you start experimenting with the weapons, you realize only a small selection of weaponry is good enough to defeat the difficulty spikes without taking obscene amounts of time(i ran out of ammo on bosses even when i wasn't using the "correct" build). I am sure there is other ways to do it, this is my first AC after all and it's very likely I'm missing some build or specific weapon usage, but I couldn't find anything better than an extremely stagger heavy build with high damage weapons(like shotguns). You can beat the whole game with this setup and everything else i tried felt terrible to use in comparison. This made the customization of the game feel pointless to me. What's the point of customizing further when most content is steamrolled regardless of your mech and bosses require such high DPS and stagger? That's what i mean by the difficulty balancing issue being pervasive. It compromises what I assume is the appeal of AC.

I think one of the contributing factors to the limited feeling customization in AC6 is how stagger was implemented. If you are doing DPS and the enemy isn't staggered, you are basically just doing chip damage. Which is fine against AC's, but when you are against the set piece bosses it feels terrible. They simply have far too much HP to not feel like endurance tests rather than engaging fights. So staggering is the best strategy against most boss encounters. I also think stagger on the player just feels bad. You get punished extremely hard by being forced to stand still for a second which is death on lighter mechs. Stagger as a mechanic should have stayed in Sekiro.

Despite all of this, The AC duels are really fun. You can actually customize meaningfully in a personalized manner and still have fun! The fights are fast, brutal, and frantic and it's how i imagined AC was going to be. If the entire game was just AC fights I wouldn't have any complaints besides the stagger, which unfortunately still plays a role in these fights. Regardless, the arena and the story AC fights are the best parts of the game bar none. The fantasy of being a skilled mecha pilot was truly realized here.

Back onto the mission design, i think that it would have been vastly improved if they had attrition elements and resource management baked into the game's systems. Apparently previous AC games had you make financial decisions and struggle with debt which I find more interesting than what we got. There's no struggle with ammo management, you can sell parts for 100% refund, and you get obscene amounts of money from most missions. All this make me feel like money is a waste of time in this game. All it does is save you from menuing more often when you accumulate a lot of it. As for the ammo management, it makes every mission just spray and prey with no thought involved, especially since you take very little damage. Since the mission design is so trivial, they should have put these elements back in so there is some element of conflict going on here. As is it's extremely boring and easy. The lack of meaningful exploration and encounter design also really doesn't help.

I do quite like the feel of the mecha in this game, and the story isn't half bad once the real plot starts going on in the last third of the game. I also think the aesthetics are on point, the blazing sky illuminating hellish abominations of machinery and metal are quite striking and the mecha designs are pretty sick. I complained a lot in this review but I still enjoyed enough to say that I think the game is alright. But It's certainly the weakest fromsoft game I've played. It feels like a janky PS2 game in all the good ways and bad ways with a sloppy implementations of modernization on top of it that hurt the experience more than it helps.

Great art style and decently fun gimmick-based level design. I wasn't able to get as much out of this as other people presumably do due to my disinterest in score attack gameplay but what's on offer in lieu of that was a pretty enjoyable time.

A menagerie of fucked up texturing and surreal architecture. An angry nihilism at the current state of the world is felt in all facets of the writing and setting. Unfortunately paired with the most atrocious FPS gameplay I've ever seen.