A horrible game designed to make you suffer in a shitty situation with shitty people.

Pathologic is one of those games that are more of an experience. In this case, a raw crude experience. The gameplay is really hard and the mandatory missions to complete the game purposedfully incite you to do stuff that will either harm the town, the protagonist or the player (morale).

The story is so incredibly well crafted with three characters to choose from. These characters interact with eachother regardless of which one you're playing. Sometimes, the actions of a character will hinder another and when playing as them you can see why, you can do better or you can do worse and it's great.

It's a bad game but a magnificent story. A niche title that is definitely not for everyone.

A lot of games miss the mark when trying to tell a story about feeling empathy and caring for its characters. TWD Season One is not one of those games.

It takes a bit of an effort to get into but it's definitely the best souls game when it comes to combat and mechanics.
Dark Souls 1 is great for the exploration, ds2 for the combat and ds3 for uh.. visuals? I guess?

It's not easy to find puzzle games without annoying puzzles

who the fuck thought anyone would like to play arenas that last 3 hours

Either I'm not smart enough or I'm not familiar with etherane's works but I just didn't get it.

It talks about a very fascinating topic which are cults/religions and indoctrination with a made-up religion to then deliver nothing?
They really nailed the "brain fog" feeling that some cults have when criticized by people that don't lack judgement, but.. it's just that

it's like making a world war 2 game where there is a kid coloring a drawing and then a bomb falls and credits roll in. That level of "oh... okay?" is what I felt when I finished both endings that this game has to offer.

I really wish positive reviews talked about why the game is good rather than just people hungry for more of etherane's works.
If you are into confusing stories, you're in your own because there is no thread on the steam forum, no guide, no wiki aside of... "etherane's works fanmade wiki" where the article is a stub or "unfinished" for more than three years now because no one gets this game, with the story section in the wiki being nothing but a transcription of the events that happen, excluding the endings lol

Apparently, unless you're very hungry for more works of this dev, you won't enjoy this one, which is a shame because it's the one I picked to be my first.

I feel like Hollow Knight is one of those games that are not great until mid-late game.
Don't get me wrong, the game is amazing, but I remember on my first playthrough that I was very frustrated at the basic moveset. Lack of coyote timing, no double jump, and for some reason I also did not use powers. It wasn't until I beated it with 112% that I realized how much I enjoyed the game, how unique everything was.
I think my turning point was after getting the mantis claw and being able to do walljump because it really felt like an upgrade.

The bosses are really great, the atmosphere, dialogues and everything about it is so good and the more I replay this game, the more I love it. Last time I played it with a coop mod with my girlfriend and it was really fun to map out areas that I wanted her to check. I assume playing coop on your first playthrough with your friend and be like "hey, we have these places to check, want to go there?" will make the experience more enjoyable

It's excellent in every aspect but the ending REALLY does ruin it.

IMO a downgrade in the story, an upgrade in the characters from the previous game

I don't like RTS games at all. I don't enjoy their seriousness and/or base/loadout building mechanics that they commonly have, so when I got into Pikmin I was very cautious about it. I wanted to experience a genre that was new for me, I wanted to try and have fun with one of my friend's most favorite videogames and have something in common with them and I really wasn't ready for the beautyness of this game.

Pikmin is incredibly well crafted. It's not a hard game at all but it can be very punishing if you commit a mistake. Not because getting resources or penalty for dying is harsh, but because your troops are small little aliens that sing and jump and do cute thingies so seeing them die is incredibly painful and sad in an emotional level. If you don't care about this, then it really isn't painful unless you have multiple colored pikmins and you need specific ones but it doesn't matter much in this game.

The 30 day limit can be incredibly stressful for some people (it was to me too!) but there's this rule of thumb that "If you get one piece per day, you'll be good" and at first I was very anxious about this until I realized I get two or three per day on average, so I was more than good. Pikmin also offers a "restart day" button, allowing you to just go back to the start of the day if things really went that bad.
This time limit is not there just because. Pikmin is built upon this timer and most of the skill comes from being able to do stuff quickly and multitask. This will make it so you will naturally try to speedrun through the game and speedrunning while blind is an amazing experience. It can be highly overwhelming to a lot of people, but knowing that you can follow the rule of "1 piece per day" and that getting more than one piece per day is not uncommon, that fear, stress and anxiety will quickly go away.

I also love how this game has FOUR variants/layers of level song. You have the normal song, near-hazard/combat, sunset, and sunset near hazard. It really helps set the mood and note the importance of the daytime.

This is the first game of a series and while incredibly charming and fun, it has some very frustrating elements that thankfully were improved in later entries. These frustrating elements being the Pikmin pathfinding capabilities and lack of a good sorting system. Despite its flaws, Pikmin 1 will forever be incredibly important to me and something worth of your time and effort.

I really love Pikmin and I wish I could say it louder. I'm glad that with the release and success of Pikmin 4 the game got more attention because the series were criminally underrated.

it's incredible how boring and empty this game is compared to all the other ones

Opposing Force features a lot of experimental features that feel really great
and hey, looking at the black mesa's disaster on the lenses of the soldiers is really cool, I always love it when games lets you experience the same game but with a different role

TST is like a time capsule of horror games, I mean... beyond things like walkmans and stuff, the rumors are like very basic and focused on confronting a ghost and giving a quick tragic story, then moving on to something else when nowadays horror games usually have you explore X place and tell you the history of that place, the ghosts and inhabitants.

At first I didn't like how open it is and how outdated it feels in conveying horror, but then looking online, I saw that it was based on rumors of ghosts IRL in Japan, which made it more interesting on an educational level.

The game uses scaled down photos + pixel art, but the ghosts are less pixelated photos of real people, but not sharp enough to realize it's a photo and I love it! it gives it an uncanny look that I adore but sadly failed to enjoy beyond that.
The stories are very simple and quick, and most of them could be summed up to 3 minutes instead of 2 hours and I still have 2 twilight syndromes to play, so I hope they're better qwq

My biggest problem with TST is that it's very simplistic! it drags its story a lot to barely tell anything, but from the cliffhanger of the ending, the next game is going to be much better and less simple since it's not going to be more mysteries in the school..? I hope?? idk
I spoiled myself to see what's up with the twilight syndrome and silver case relationship and yeah, I saw that it gets better in the future, but that's about it. TST really feels like a biiiiiiiig buildup that while I didn't enjoy as much as I wanted to, I hope it was worth it.

The most loved entry in the series by fans, sadly not by me. Reason? My first playthrough was on hard mode.
I completely forgot this is a 2001 game, when games had this fetish for making hard difficulties unfair for the sake of taking a screenshot and bragging that you beat it. It's cool for when it's your favorite game that you already beat, but for the love of god don't start your first playthrough on hard, it really made my experience hella worse.

Aside from this, Silent Hill 2 it's a very solid experience full of surprises and an incredible level design.

The game has only one button to jump and one to attack, however that didn't stop the developers from putting 6 FUCKING DIFFERENT MOVES + 6 OTHER GENERIC COMBOS like ?????????? I thought it was going to be more clunky but it was actually super good and didn't age too badly. There's literally a mechanic that I love that if an enemy grabs you from behind, you can hit the jump button and attack to throw the enemy in front of you AND IT'S SO GOOD.
It has some clunky stuff, and it's very difficult to get through the game without losing a single life because there's a crappy timer of 50 seconds per section. If you don't kill the enemies in 50 seconds, they take a life, which I really disliked because yes, I understand, it encourages you to play aggressively, but you can't do anything if the enemies are out of the screen other than guessing when they're going to approach.
On the other hand the bosses are also quite interesting, sadly it's like super mega hyper tight the controls, and they come right after a wave of enemies, so you have 20 seconds to kill the boss if you don't want to lose a life, which is quite inhuman.

I'm going to play SOR2 right now because that game legit used to play it 24/7, ofc I chose mine, Blaze because she's really based