I woke up from a nightmare and I was immediately greeted by a skeleton saying “ buenos dias fuckboi “.

A great return to horror after the mess that was RE6ix. First person POV works very well in this game.

A superior kart racer on N64 behind the hit series Diddy Kong Racing. It’s what Mario Kart 64 wants to be.

Very silly game with a fantastic soundtrack. I honestly found myself replaying levels over and over again just to listen to the tracks.

It may seem a bit short but there’s tons of replay value in it. Give it a shot and I hope you also love it as much as I do.

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HAHAHA you’re telling me pyramid head is in this game? Oh wait it’s just the wish version of him.

Not sure why the developers introduced the worst mechanic of breakable weapons… previous Silent Hill titles don’t have that as a gameplay mechanic and I get it, it’s supposed to be survival horror but not like this.

iirc there’s a few endings in this game just like previous titles.

Akira Yamaoka saved this game.

Oh yeah the creatures are interesting and some of my favorite designs from the western developers.

Everything Mario 64 wants to be.

100% doesn’t feel like a chore to do.

Very fun with friends.

I was glad cross-progression and cross-play was added to this game which made it much easier for me to play on my Switch when I wanted to just play in bed.

It’s now free to play so you can try it out if you’d like.

This game made me miss loot boxes. That’s a terrible thing to say lmao


I played till the very end when the servers were shut down… I’m salty about not being able to see all the medals I had collected over the years.

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I normally don’t play many reboots but I felt this game was very good.

I streamed this game a few years ago and challenged myself by doing a bow/arrow + melee run on a hard difficulty and I can say that it still felt a bit easy for me. There are scripted areas where the game forces you to use a pistol to progress but everything else can be done without it.

One day I’ll be added into Fortnite

Cheap jumpscares.

Goofy ending.

HEY DJ! Spin that shit!

It’s a comical horror type of game with a twist at the end. There’s a few endings iirc so multiple playthroughs are needed for you to grab them.

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If you played the vanilla version of this game then you can pretty much skip this version. UNLESS you are really interested in what new things they’ve added.

You know have a third semester that is unlocked by meeting certain requirements. There is a deadline of when you’re to meet these requirements otherwise you’ll miss out on additional content.

Palaces have added a few more things inside of them, combat has been slightly improved with a few things added that make it much easier to do.

Soundtrack is still a banger!

War never changes… which could also be said about Bethesda’s game engine.