It’s a funny game with dinosaurs.

Walking simulator

You will love hearing Troy Baker yelling “ it all ends in pee “ or whatever lol

In space no one can hear you scream twice

It’s a fantastic follow up to the first game. Not much changes in terms of combat mechanics but it feels much more balanced than the first.

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Revisiting this game 2 years after my first playthrough and honestly it’s not that bad as I thought it was.

I honestly wished this game didn’t have so many sections that made it seem like it was going to be over already.

No matter how many times I complain about this game… I always come back to it.

Either you get competent players or terrible killer matches.

The only MOBA I will ever play…

Gardevoir or bust

I was told I needed to learn to read. I refuse… also I like to shower so this game isn’t for me.

Fantastic game with an amazing soundtrack.

Only reason I’m shelving this game is due to a bug that’s present in the game that crashes it in a certain section on PS5.

This was the last COD title I purchased. I was disappointed with how the epic conclusion of the primis story. Honestly the new crew would’ve been great to continue but was left in a cliffhanger.. possibly to never be seen again.

Multiplayer was ok-ish. Same formula as previous titles.

Boots on ground was refreshing (at the time) and had tons of fun on both multiplayer and zombies mode.

Worlds are way too big with nothing to do in them.

I played this when it first came out and the highest difficulty was proud mode. It was way too easy.

I didn’t own a Wii U so this version was honestly fine for me.

It’s my favorite Mario platformer.

A fun ride from start to finish.