Combat roll your trauma away.

Good creature designs.

2nd banana finally gets his own game ;)

Very charming little game.

Graphics are pretty good for a OG Xbox title. A lot of the charm was lost on this remake and adding unnecessary enemies to different areas that weren’t present in the original make it a pretty hard experience.

A big step up from the first game. Combat feels more fluid and less clunky.

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Nuts & bolts featuring link.

Can’t forgive them for just abandoning the champions from the previous game

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It’s one of my favorite games to speedrun however it’s a very punishing game. With no difficulty options you’re thrown right into the game as it was intended to play.

There is a clear mode that unlocks once you beat the game that gives you access to a few costumes. Enemies are much more aggressive and harder to evade.

Fantastic remake. I only wish Resident Evil 2 & 3 remakes were made like this one.

The gameplay is butt.

Rebecca carries this game tbh fr fr ong

Look past the giraffe and wonder why is there even 3 campaigns in the first place…. Honestly the co-op is what makes this game fun when it’s with a friend.

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One remake that I felt wasn’t needed as the original RE4 is pretty much playable on every modern console to date.

I dislike not being able to tell Ashley to hide in certain sections of the game as it made it very difficult to get through spots when the AI just tends to get itself killed lmao. Ex: the catapult section

Good remake filled with 4 campaigns and a few extra modes thrown in as well.

I do like being able to swap between original soundtrack and new.

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✨ STARS ✨ is what you’ll be seeing once you realize there’s a section missing ( if you played the original )

Pretty short game, doesn’t hold up like RE2 remake.

Honestly wished they explored with a different cast of characters but instead…

Don’t even get me started with the dual campaign…

Gameplay is what saved this game tbh.