This game makes me so mad….for a good reason lol

Don’t know why I bothered spending time on FB for this.

I prefer this over OoT tbh ong fr fr.

The time system is something that I actually love about this game. The uneasy feeling of meeting the Happy Mask Salesman has stayed with me for quite a long time.

War never changes… which could also be said about Bethesda’s game engine.

I have a ton of memories about this game. I met a few people on this game that quite honestly were fun to play with and made the game a bit more fun.

I have tried to return to this game since the first big wastelanders expansion but every time I boot up the game I immediately get bored. I played this game for hours after work which made it a routine of eat, sleep, repeat.

Yeah it was a fun ride playing with people every day but the grind pretty much killed my interest in playing again.

It was my first Elder Scrolls game and most certainly not my last.

I was instantly hooked and played for hours everyday. I still find myself coming back and playing fresh new files so often that I lost track of how much actual time I’ve spent on this game alone.

I have yet to purchase this game on VR as I feel I’ll get sucked back in lol.

Big brain needed.

I don’t have one.

WHEN YOU GET THAT FEELING YOU GOTTA SING! When you get that feeling… when you get that feeling I GOTTA SING!

The controls are so garbage.

The story of the game is basically the first season of South Park ( or the first few episodes ).

It has a multiplayer ffa mode that is fun for a few matches but gets very repetitive. The alien gun is OP combined with the cow launcher.

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I thought the Cherry Blossom monster was neat. I loved the SH4 Easter Egg around the end of the game.

There were some big issues with the game. Story wise and gameplay wise.

Finally completed it along with the DLC and I can’t wait to replay this again.

Comparing this one to its original version, I prefer the GameCube. Essentially it plays the same just a bit more janky… Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon had better controls over this one tbh.

I do like the addition of Gooigi into the game even if I didn’t use the feature but I’m sure others would love it.

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I wasn’t a big fan of the final boss section due to how annoying it is to hold the control stick for so long that your finger starts to slip off.

It doesn’t really make it big deal that it would hurt my overall score other than that it was a neat little story. Very lengthy as well!

Now for me to try this on the switch when it gets released to see what improvements they made to the gameplay mechanics.

I spent hours on this game.

Unfortunately I also spent cash on this…. Why? idk I just loved KH (at the time). I really wish there was a way to go back and see all the medals you collected over the years.

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They say blondes have more fun which I’m told is true.

I’ve played both the PS2 and HDC version.

PS2 is obviously the superior version to play on but I won’t stop anyone from trying HDC since it can be obtained on the Xbox store through Backwards compatibility.

If you do end up playing the HDC version let me warn you that the game will tend to crash in sections after the hospital - the end game It’s not too common tho. This is only on the Xbox version as I haven’t played the PS3 version as much.