1254 Reviews liked by ResidentMelville

An amazing sequel to an amazing game, well worth the wait and stays true to the original but adds a little more. The story introduces new faces and brings back old, enthralls you in the world and goes deeper into the relationships between characters. You can tell the devs put their heart an soul into this series. A solid play and a solid experience.

A licensed SpongeBob DLC for Power Wash Simulator did not have to be this detailed and go this hard on the fanservice. Extremely high-quality DLC, only good SpongeBob FPS out there.

still in early access, it's pretty barebones but fun

perfect roguelike. gamefeel is amazing

Pretty much perfect gameplay, it's lovely to see the game grow update to update

Now that the game is out in its final state, I can firmy say that this is the best indie fps I played gameplay wise, it's fluid, fun, there's a lot of room to improve. Each class is varied and fun, with a ton of builds to try out. Therre are a bazillion guns which all have their interests and are all very well balanced, which is crazy to me.

Very fun, very hectic, and each update has been even better than the last.

A permanent fixture of my library, I keep this thing downloaded and update it regularly just to boot it up occasionally and do a couple runs when I can't decide on what else sounds good to play. The game has a great arsenal, a lot of variety, and the ability to truly change the game with every run. It's a great time I can recommend to almost any fan of the first person shooter genre.

My motivation for exercise tanked. I had surgery and haven't been able to go back to this yet. I adore the concept, and played til I was level 120-something. I played it every day for like 4 months. Surgery/recovery broke the habit and I haven't played it since.

This game was exactly what I want out of this kind of game, with a refreshingly not-defaulting-to-straight-dudes cast, good writing, interesting choices, and just an overall truly amazing vibe. Will be part of my GOTY list for sure!

Somewhat burnt out from reviews for a bit so I’ll write something for this at some point, but still want to note that this is easily one of my favorites this year. I love witches!

An absolutely wonderful little game. Deconstructeam have become some of my favourite game devs, with their focus on unconventional narrative experiences with a heavy queer and left leaning focus. From their small game jam projects to full releases like this, I always get something out of it and walk away with a lot to think about

Honestly, my main hangup (and I recognize this absolutely might be own my feelings of insecurity and invisibilty in queer spaces) is that it feels a bit alienating towards transmasc people, like another review mentioned. The game explicitly mentions that witches can only be women and non binary, and there's a plotline about a trans woman being a witch that I thought was sweet but also recognize that it's not my place to judge since I know some negative reviews weren't happy with it - but the game skirts around the idea of transmasc people existing, while it's awkwardly sitting in my mind and it just felt a bit cruddy. I guess in a way it can't mention them? I could go into the way "women and non binary only" spaces exist in real life, and usually serve as a way to alienate certain groups, but that may be reading too deep into things. Either way, there were only a few scenes where I felt this got in the way of enjoyment and am mostly able to push it aside

The writing here is so fun and powerful. Some might say it's cheesy but for me, it really works. Although it will often give you small glimpses and vignettes into its world, rather than super in depth looks, but I kinda love that because it feels like poetry

I think it's worth noting that the second half of the game is more of a political campaign sim, where you allocate people to tasks and try to influence others, which I did not expect. It isn't bad or anything, but I do think I preferred the first half of the game. Simply talking to witches, creating cards and reading fortunes were strong enough mechanics by themselves that they would have worked for the full game thanks to the high quality/intriguing enough writing

The second episode of Coffee Talk is as good as the first entry, with a couple new gameplay ideas, great storytelling, and amazingly chill tunes.

cool little story. also yes, you can still see the whole story after the eshop closure:

- download game and DLC
- play as normal
- buy the game
- if you get the successful purchase animation, continue
- if you get an error that game is no longer available, move on. you won't miss out on any dialogue
- go to home and try to open game
- if you had a successful purchase, you should be able to play as normal
- if you get some form of error: quit game and reinstall the DLC. it will work again when you boot it up

also works with the non-story games. keep haggling and don't just buy the games at full price just because you won't be spending money anymore.

Although not perfect, I still think this game is very good — it was nice to have my friends watch me play this in the evening, and that it wasn’t so gameplay driven where they had to pay attention to their screen the whole time, they could go and do their own thing and just listen to what was being said. Very fun :)

Your enjoyment is proportional with how much time you invest in it. The more you soak in to the depths of the content (which there is a pretty huge amount of!), the more the story will really strike you. I loved the creativity and free-spirit feeling of this game, everything had a really personal touch from a variety of folks so it actually felt like an internet space. Such a cool concept, and so awesome to see it done right.