With the 2.0 patch and DLC, Cyberpunk 2077 is all that it deserves to be. One of the best RPGs ever made.

This game got me back into MCU (along with Snap). Plenty is shared with XCOM, mostly the good stuff, and the card-based combat feels satisfying. There is almost too much game here, the campaign easily spanning over 50 hours. It can get a bit repetitive when you are just trying to progress the story. The dollhouse aspect is pretty great and varied, with a lot of unlockable costumes and color palettes to customize your heroes.

Starts out amazing, oozing with atmosphere, with a great soundtrack and so much to look forward. After a dozen good hours it falls flat; not enough tracks to listen to, gameplay loop gets tedious, and obtaining upgrades irrelevant.

Tetris is the best video game ever made.

Fighting games are intimidating, last bastion of truly competitive gaming. With the introduction of silly story mode and modernized control scheme, this one feels actually fun for a change. Capcom is killing it.

Despite Bobby Kotick, Blizzard has done did it and made an excellent video game.

Masterfully written and thoughtfully envisioned open world, with a gameplay that lives up to it. A masterpiece.


There was a couple of years where Quake and it's expansive mods were the only game I played. Even played it competitively in couple of Team Fortress tournaments and thought I could make it as an e-sportsman.

Played this on a BBS and spent summer holiday reading Sun Tzu to overcome my enemies. I was twelve. Probably the most informative year of my life.

Familiar in many ways to it's predecessor, but you can't fault it too much for iterating on what works and innovating on top. What an amazing video game.

Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.

Resident Evil was never my thing and 4 was the only one I actually ever played to completion back in the day. Despite the seemingly endless remakes, they somehow managed to make this one feel fresh and new all over again. The level of quality is undeniable here.

Long gone are the heydeys of space adventure games, so it is always exciting when there is any activity. This one is arcadey and shooty with a ton of loot, meandering low-budget story and some annoying performance issues.

After playing video games for over three decades, there is very few series that remain untouched. DmC is one of those. Fast-paced and technical action games are usually not for me, mostly because I'm bad at them, but DmC 5 was a lot of fun. It's real dumb, really over-the-top, and very self-aware.