Great game, super challenging, physics are awesome. Loved kissing Peach at the end. Hubba hubba 🍑

Honestly one of the best Mario games. The colorized DX version is impeccable.

Wow, what can I say- great modern Pokémon. I kinda miss the open world feeling of the past pokes but the animations and story were fun. Really enjoyed the visuals and I had fun building a great party through internet trades and hunting for hours in the wild area. Dope

The was so stoked for the live action cut scenes. Weird game, but a fun world to race in.


This was FUN AND GREAT and my SqUaD made it fun and great

This game was solid - my least fave of the reboots, Lara is my girlfriend

horny as hell, but also the best puzzle game ever

Love being a web head - marking this as played though my PS4 hard drive bricked while I was in the final act. Going to call it completed, may pick it back up again

Probably one of the top 3 most fun games I've played on PS4 generation.


This one was a real stinker - but I found a nice online community on reddit of teens in Brazil that helped me get the platinum. <3

Great game, super fun and deep...and I'm only talking about the Blitzball mini game!
For real, this game is great - a top tier Final Fantasy. I loved Yuna. I loved my dad.