this game has been in development hell for over a decade and it still doesn't know what it wants to be, genuinely terrible game that tried to buy in at the height of the zombie craze and minecraft zeitgeist.

this game used to have actual soul and really fun mechanics in relation to it's champions, but now it's just a husk of it's former self.
Actually terrible what they did to this game.

This game was real cool back in the day but by god does it run like shit and play like it too, the killzone series being relegated to the console is the series biggest downfall if any of them had pc releases the series would benefit so much.


I should've expect to be disappointed by this game, but the impressive graphics and incredible art style with the grim and brooding atmosphere drew me in, but when i got my hands on the game all my enjoyment immediately drained away, puzzles only added to pad out the play time so you wouldn't blaze through levels and enemies that are just a pain to fight.
Such wasted potential.

Generally a terrible experience but there is a few moments that do shine through but not worth playing to get to those moments.

For some reason lorded as a good entry to the dark souls series but is easily the weakest of the 3, half baked ideas built on a improvement to the engine, it disregarding anything from the previous titles apart from referencing dark souls 1 heavily, it'd rather play nostalgia then actually play homage to what it references.

A decently well made zombie survival and objective based game, the gameplay is extremely repetitive but a varied map pool and custom content does offer some increase to overall enjoyment

The game series jump to 3D was very good but the gameplay changes and the loss of it's art style makes the experience shallow.

Sacrificing the camp charm of overacted british voices and fun crossovers for refined gameplay really makes this game pale in comparison to the first game.

God Hand might be the pinnacle of what a game should strive to achieve, rewarding but difficult gameplay and a sense to master the combat system. The overall charm of God Hand comes from it's goofy and camp characters and hilarious writing.

Overall a decent roguelike game, with crass and rude humour for the most part but not detracting from the overall experience, ridiculous combinations acquired per run always has it's merits but starts to wane when you eventually get the same combination.

To sacrifice storytelling, worldbuilding and actual rpg mechanics to boil it down to a looter shooter is a shit on the actual fallout name, fallout 4 is completely removed entirely to it's predecessors, offering nothing but shallow interactions and only having a few memorable interactions with some actually decent characters.

The base game suffers story and world building suffers from being shallow only have a few memorable characters aside from those remembered from being in popular memes, the gameplay itself is refined to a point of being soulless but serviceable, the dungeons are lack lustre and simple puzzles although catering to a wider audience definitely question how incompetent the average video game player has become.

Certainly a game that benefits from "fun with friends" a genuinely good experience from battling bosses to crafting upgrade to fight the next, grinding pads out play time quite a bit which is definitely a hindrance to the overall experience, but required to pace the game in such a way to not blaze through progression.

A barren world map with little to nothing to do within the game world, an underwhelming lack of activities outside of the main story really leads to a shallow experience.