I've been playing this game on and off since the early 2000s, at an age I was barely cognitive and did not read a lick of English. But finally I played through the single player on MCC, and I loved it. Halo has always been a franchise in my life but almost exclusively through split-screen with friends. Before CE the only campaign I've finished was Reach. Now I'm working on Halo 2 and loving the experience. Wort wort wort

I'm reviewing only the single player here, since I have barely touched the MP and none of the zombies. The campaign was good, but suffers immensely for being waaaay to short... It had a very strong premise and I enjoyed it but before I could say MASON it was over already. The visuals are fantastic, really great locations and variety of places and characters. It was good, but I wanted more!

Story was confusing, bland and poorly constructed in my opinion. But fuck me the gameplay is some of the best I've played within this genre. This game shines like the sun in almost all aspects besides the story; gameplay, boss battles, customisation, animations, it's so damn good. I loved my time with this game and I am so excited to see what the sequel will have to offer!

I enjoyed it. While playing I consistently referred to this as Dumb fun: the game. It really did consume me for weeks, this game has a way of pulling you in with just an overflow of content and fun things to do in the open world. While I personally just could not make myself give one flying dick about the story or any of the obnoxious villains I had so much fucking fun running around bonking rednecks over the head with shovels and flying through the Montana skies like a squirrel.

It's been so long since i started playing this game, I began almost immediately after finishing FEAR 1 and the expansions because I just love that game so damn much. While it's almost impossible to top the first game I found Project Origin very good, and I enjoyed it thoroughly while it did some things not to my liking. Some of the sound design for the guns were lackluster but overall, the story, characters, environment and gunplay was great. I think FEAR 2 deserves your attention if you want a badass action FPS with horror elements.


Fucking fantastic. The visuals and style is so slick and the game gives you so much freedom in how you approach this space station filled with corpses and alien life forms. An awesome mix of horror and action, with an awesome story. I fucking love it. Please play it if you haven't. I've heard it's very similar to System Shock 2 so that's been on my wishlist for a while, might pick it up. Prey is fucking cool

Not a fan of the story, but the gameplay and graphics is an improvement in every way, though still a lot of the same. Same general gameplay loop with minor additions, same post apocalyptic environment that we've seen a million times. But the visuals, sound design and voice acting is objectively stunning and wonderful, some of the best I've seen. Game was good, not as good as the first one.

Great game, I finally got around to play it now that I have a ps5. Even though I knew of the game's story and plot it was still an awesome experience and had fun the whole way through. Playing it on grounded made it more nerve-racking and of course harder, but I didn't mind the constant deaths because I just had too much fun.