It's fine. I think it's harshest critics are being a bit absurd, though I understand their issues with it. I think its highest praise is frustrating when you look at video games as a whole. It's a fine action rpg, it's got a competent story. Memes are fun. It's a 3/5, a 7/10 that's fine.

This games really good I haven't finished it yet. I think I like Spark 2 better though.

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It's totally obtuse about how to not get children fucking murdered and then it's just completely miserable for really shallow narrative reasons. Pure shock value tragedy porn shit. The game part sucks too the combat has no depth and most of what you love about Digimon isn't here so it feels very bare. I was very close to the end of this game and I put it down because it just felt pointless.

and I just think Digimon was always dealing with complex themes and they didn't need to go to the well of being an edge lord to be "deep" or "mature." I strongly feel the opposite about whoever wrote this game that was so far from the originally pitched game that it might as well have been a different project. Bandai Namco stop wasting my time please.

Wonderful game that is a bit too grindy. Just a bit. The job system is interesting. I think I'd have liked it more if you could swap a Job's default ability for another ability you learn from the same job. I think lots of jrpgs are out there that have been in conversation with this system ever since it came out.

Excellent game. Best game I played this year that came out this year.