Link's Awakening DX is better. This game is definitely not worth Nintendo's price for it.

I refuse to play this game again it will remain in my memory as the special rpg that showed me a magic to games I had never experienced before.

It's good don't get me wrong. The way people talk about it is annoying. It's not even the fifth best Final Fantasy game. IT'S A THROWBACK GAME. THE WHOLE GAME IS A REFERENCE TO PREVIOUS WORK. Saying it's the best one when it's easily the weakest thematically of the PSX games is frankly just rude to FF7 and 8.

This is my favourite game of all time. There's really no question. A combination of hitting me at an age where it was massively influential to my taste and just being an incredible game on its own.

It's beautiful and tragic and vibrant. It's the pinnacle of Squaresoft as a developer right at the end of a decade of straight bangers. Every time I return to this game I have a wonderful time. It just makes me happy.

Not even the worst game I played for 300 hours. Fuck this game. Also, Starfield sucks too.

Love these games. They're just so charming and the first one has the best music.

To me this is the best 3d Mario game. Improves on SM64 in a ton of ways and I love Fludd. It's a game full of really interesting platforming challenges and vibrant environments full of bullshit to navigate through. I just love it. There's a freedom of movement to Mario in this game that is really just delightful. Feed that technicolour paint sludge to me with a spoon. Mario Sunshine rules.

Wonderful time. If you can't enjoy this I don't want to know you.


I did really like this game. Very easy to give in to astonishment to when you don't have much experience in the genre. With distance and experience I think this game is still really cool and doing interesting things with gameplay as a storytelling medium almost nothing at that scale of development was really even gesturing at in 2017.

But it's also just a very stock story I have seen done better. Most of its influences are just better than it. And I mean that's fine. It's still a good game.

A very good video game. Music is on point, Uematsu is really coming into his own here. The job system is excellently utilized in the design of the game where jobs are better for certain things, and the solution that could drastically change up the difficulty of a given boss fight. This game rewards you for playing it smartly, and is probably on the higher end of the difficulty scale for any Final Fantasy.

This year Final Fantasy 16 came out. I thought it was godawful. And so, while I have most of the rest of the series under my belt at some point, I decided to play every main series Final Fantasy game to date. FF1 a totally fine time. FFII though? Just became one of my favourite games.

I love the levelling up system, the in battle sprite work is all impressive and wild looking. The story has more going on than I thought it would. And there's just some really cool set pieces! At the time of writing this I'm about half way through FFVI and this game probably going to remain my favourite thing to come out of my spiteful project.

Fine start to the series. Worth playing but improved on a lot as time goes on.