Fantastic visuals, sound design and animations make this remake the definitive version of the game.

The dismemberment mechanics remain original and fun throughout, and really do make Dead Space stand out from other action horror games. However as the game goes on Isaac becomes so powerful and the hordes of enemies get so ridiculous that the action element takes over any real sense of horror or suspense is lost.

As far as story goes, don't expect much: this is a very by-the-numbers pulpy sci-fi-horror plot that does very little to stand out and is often painfully predictable. It's just a game about chopping up zombies in space, but it does that very well!

Most games wouldn't get away with having me redo the same selection of bosses several times, but the extra story and the details you'll pick up on subsequent playthroughs actually makes it worthwhile in Replicant. It's somewhat dwarfed by the majesty of its sequel but the great characters, deceptively layered story and a really unique style still make this a game I can recommend - as long as you're okay with things getting a little repetitive towards the end.

Robots, Aliens, Existentialism - what's not to like?

This game is something special. Not just for its gorgeous, distinctly period-appropriate art style but also for its consistently engaging narrative and endearing cast of characters. Your choices matter and your failures feel just as relevant as your successes as the story progresses. A definite must-play for anybody seeking profound storytelling in the medium.

This game is beautiful. Equal parts absurdly hilarious and crushingly real. I am sure that this will inspire a generation of arts students to write extended essays on its themes of existentialism, addiction, morality and political ideology. So I'll spare you that: Do yourself a favour and play this game.

This is one of those incredibly rare videogames that actually reacts to the player's choices and development. There is no predetermined right or wrong answer, but there's always a satisfying response. Whether you choose to become the communist-cop of the apocalypse or a militant feminist boxing-enthusiast, the decisions you make bleed into every interaction you make. The ending is also the most impressive and moving denouements I have ever experienced in a videogame. Really, just play it for yourself.

A hauntingly beautiful masterpiece. Go into it as blind as you can, this is something really special that you really need to experience for yourself.

Fun homage to Max Payne which lives up to its neo-noire inspiration, despite one very frustrating boss fight (you'll know it when you see it) and repetitive gameplay that slightly outstays its welcome. Worth playing for the style, the story and the music alone.

Just a nice relaxing game about catching really messed up looking fish.

Couldn't help but feel that this might have started life as a mere dlc for 8. Far from being the best Like a Dragon game: combat is not the most satisfying, there are less memorable sidequests and the game relies on its coliseum to beef itself out. Despite that, the story has its moments and it was still fun to play through. Definitely one for the RGG fans, but not a good starting point for newcomers.

Turns out trading in the stoic strongmen for a ragtag group of homeless guys led by a schizophrenic Dragon Quest fan was just what the series needed. Possibly the best in the series so far, and a great starting point for newcomers to boot.

A prequel that showcases all the things that make the old school (that is, prior to 7) RGG games great: a genuinely engaging and emotive story accompanied by insane but loveable sidequests and characters. If you're even half interested in these games, this is your starting point! Plus Majima is the greatest sega character of all time.

This game hates me for playing it but I love it so damn much. Would love to see it remastered on modern platforms.

Tragic that this game is condemned to the PS3 and those few capable of emulating it. if you can, play it.

Defined the immersive sim genre, setting a standard that has yet to be surpassed.