If you liked Blasphemous 1 but wanted less instant death platforming and a more diverse and expressive combat system then you'll be into what Blasphemous 2 is doing.

Blasphemous 2 scraps the single weapon from the first, and instead has you wield three unique weapon typse with their own skill trees and uses while travelling through the world.

Enemy design is quite diverse and challenging, with most new biomes in the first half of the game introducing new varieties. However eventually in the late game, new areas reuse old enemies and wrap them in a new colour to denote a harder breed.

It's a great metriodvania with fun combat, decent platforming, fantastic art direction and tone, some okay boss battle and an unbalanced difficultly curve.

Gameplay is as amazing as you'd expect from Team Ninja, but like Nioh pretty much everything else is medicore.
Level design still sucks.
The mission structure approach does more to the hurt the game than help.
Bosses can be good from time to time but overall are pretty forgettable. (There's only 1 really memorable boss)
Wo Long is also far far easier than Nioh 1 or 2 and one of the easiest souls likes I've played.
The games also far shorter than I'd seen reported anywhere, the general consensus was 30 hours to do all quests but I clocked in at 17 hours finishing everything available at the end of a first playthrough.
Lastly the visuals are super dated, barely looking like a ps4 launch title.
Overall everything other than combat amounts to around a 2 or 3/10, but the combat is so varied and enjoyable that I had a lot of fun playing through this. Certainly not a must play for anyone who's a fan of these games but if you can grab it for 10-20 dollars you'll get your moneys worth.

Great little puzzle game.
The game doesn't hold your hand or give you any UI hints, instead it brilliantly uses environmental story telling and audio cues.

Puzzles are challenging enough to give your brain a good workout, but never frustrating.

Cocoon takes about 3-4 hours to complete and I finished it in two sittings, a few days apart. I didn't feel a strong hook to finish the game, but puzzle games aren't my favourite genre.
So an 8/10 for me, but could easily be a 9 or even 10/10 for others!

Great addition to the base game.
Re-uses most areas from Leon's playthrough but revamps the way you move through them.
Combat is fantastic just like the base game, visuals, music and atmosphere are just as good.

Not an essential play but for $15 an extra five hours of gameplay is pretty good value.
Hopefully future games will add the grappling hook! Easily the best part of the DLC.

Amazing game!
I can't believe something this unique and experimental was made with this much production value.
Can't really say anything without spoiling the story but here's some bullet points.

Story is fantastic, unique and twisted. Make sure you listen to every piece of dialogue and read all the text entries.
Visual are top notch but lack a punch on the PS5. A maxed out PC would be the way to go.

Gameplay is two parts, combat and exploration/puzzles.
Exploration is stressful and tense.
Puzzles are simple but get the job done.
Shooting is janky, by design, it took a bit to get used to but also works for what it is.

Great AA title.
Graphics are amazing, voice acting is top tier, writing and direction are solid. Gameplay is decent, I'd never say it was 'fun' but it got the job done for this 12-14 hour campaign.
First half of the game is a surprising 9/10, while the second half is a 6 or 7/10. I wasn't the biggest fan of where the story went towards the end and the last few chapters felt rushed. Nevertheless, it is impressive what a team of this size and budget could produce.

Not a bad game but wasn't for me. Fromsoft is my favourite developer of the last 10 years, so I'm not sure if I was expected AC6 to be more similar to their other game or if I just wasn't ready to meet it half way. I definitely didn't enjoy the mission structure or the uneven difficulty but the build craft and tone are spot on. Maybe I'll give this another shot in the future.

Great metriodvania. It doesn't reinvent the wheel but it nails all the basics components with some incredible game feel. Story is mid and gets too bombastic for my taste, but it has it where it counts, combat, exploration & platforming.

Incredibly mid title. Combat is too basic and repetitive, and enemy variety is sorely lacking. Story and character are uninspired with some rough animation and voice acting. Set pieces can be okay at times but the final mission feels half baked. Setting and art direction is the games strong point and what pushed me to finish it. If it wasn't for the Harry Potter skin this would be as low as a 3-4/10


One of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Combat can be challenging and has surprisingly good boss battles, but the real hook of the game is the pivot it takes in the second half. I can't remember the last game I stayed up till 3am to finish all the puzzles. 10/10 experience!