12 reviews liked by RyanBrent

Dude was this game always this fucking solid? Jesus christ. I always loved it for the OST and Pharaoh Man but like. Dude, the weapon selection here’s good (Pharaoh Shot being my favorite it’s so cool), and the stage design is superb. Holy hell man. This is really good. I had always written this off as just “good,” and idk why. Maybe it’s that 2018 me struggled really bad on Ring Man due to not knowing how Pharaoh Shot worked, so I took a break and had a disjointed run. I did it in one sitting today. And it was awesome. Good to be wrong about some things, give that 7.5/10 game a replay and it may shoot to a 9/10.

Replayed this today just to make sure and yep, it whips ass. Maybe the best weapon set in the series. No charge beam making an annoying as hell noise. Slide I could live with having but it's mostly a nothing mechanic so whatever. Fucked up levels full of traps and puzzles to cheat your wya past with the right weapons. I need to check a few others to see if this one's my actual favorite but it's like, top 3 at least.

Messed up that they just murder the robots once they finished with them though. Probably why there were like 8 different apocalypses in this timeline

Replayed this one and resisted the temptation of using the Collection's additional save features. I took on this challenge raw!

So what do I think of the game? Mega Man 9 is the best version of this expression of retro-styled Mega Man. The levels are tight and interesting. The boss weapons are unique and multi-faceted (got a lot of use out of each). The boss fights themselves are challenging but satisfying to master. The shop feature is appreciated and useful although I wish the text was sped up.

The Wily Stages might be a titch too hard but they're still pretty good although I have my complaints for the banality of the first Wily Stage boss and Twin Devils. I like how the campaign eschews the template of later day Mega Man NES titles and has the 8 Robot Master levels then the final four Wily Stages. They're pretty hard but having that singular gantlet (in which you can prepare with many lives and E-tanks) is a strong, tight gameplay decision.

This is pitch-perfect simplicity. It's a handful of the franchise's mechanics with a lot excess stripped away and refined until it came out just right.

Best pokemon game in the recent years, undeniably. I understand how the graphics are a problem and the Pokemon company is trash for pressuring gamefreak. But Gamefreak did a perfect job for this game. Is the perfect evolution of the saga. The gameplay always keep you busy, the exploration is great, and the new mechanics for the combat are perfect for the competitive. Big W

Family Freud be like "name a snack" idk dude my mother? 90 points

Better, still bad, and the last few bosses make me want to curl up into a ball and cry.

Yeah, this is the best Classic Megaman, no contest.
Levels are great, they each have distinct things unique to them that still keep the focus and gameplay the same. Only two I have any sort of problem with are Hornet Man and Jewel Man but with the ladder it's really only one jump and it's not like the entirety of HM's level is bad. Boss balancing is good here, there are some that are easier than others (Galaxy Man, Splash Woman) but none is an impossible first pick like some other games in the series, and no Wily Boss comes off as bs like ones only weak to one weapon or the abominable Yellow Devil Mk-II. I have consistently found use for EVERY ROBOT MASTER WEAPON which is actually huge, no other game even comes close to that.
Megaman 9 doesn't do anything new, but it takes all the good things Megaman has and uses them to great effect and the result is wonderful.

The swan song to Cuphead was a big, chunky one for only $8. Shitty anime fighters charge more than that for a single character! Now ain't that a bitch? The entire 4th Inkwell Isle has its own series of unique surprises, secrets, and content that bleed over to the original game including new weapons, new abilities, and Chalice herself as a playable character with her own fundamentals.

The bosses in this new DLC are the highlight, of course, and don't disappoint for the most part. The final boss was especially a delight. My one complaint regarding the DLC bosses, they seem to rely a bit too much on RNG and making a mess of hitboxes on the screen. Much more than the original game's bosses, at least. It feels slightly less fair and fun to learn overall, I think.

Even so, this last course was indeed delicious with its peak artistry and catchy tunes all harking back to the era of classic cartoons and vaudeville nonsense. I look forward to whatever it is MDHR have planned next.

who the fuck played this on the n gage?

I'm scoring this collection as a 4 star for the quality of the game as a collection and it's new features, but not for my enjoyment of the games contained within which I'll score separately.

The collection comes with 8 games from various retro platforms including some of the Japanese releases. The quality of the ports feels good, even the Game Boy titles look and play nicely on a big screen. The collection has some nice features such as the ability to quick save on the fly, changing display filters (pixel perfect, scan lines etc.), 3 different border options due to original screen ratios as well as a bonus art book also including interviews with developers and Castlevania animation producers. The content is great but it has a few issues. Each game I played I had to constantly change control schemes each time, it seems like a small under sight but it was annoying each time, a universal way of putting X as jump and square as whip would have been appreciated.

As for the games themselves, I don't think I enjoyed many of them. I got into the series at Symphony of the Night and love the Metroidvania style. Going back to these classic side scrollers was just painful and I have nothing but respect for any kid growing up at the time who managed to beat any of them without the quick save feature. I abused that like a free pick and mix to get through almost every game here.

Castlevania (NES) - 3.5/5
I actually enjoyed this one more than I expected and thought it looked amazing for a NES game and the music was great.

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (NES) - 1/5
I actively hated this game. It was clunky and annoying. The night curse mechanic was irritating and while I see where later Castlevania games got their ideas from I found wandering around lost exploring pretty unfun. It's also a huge step down visually from the first game somehow.

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES) - 2/5
This had much better art and visuals again more akin to 1 than 2. It was just unfairly hard though and just not much fun to play frankly. (I hear the Japanese version is easier but haven't tried)

Super Castlevania IV (SNES) - 4/5
This game I quite liked. It feels good to play, a lot tighter controls and you can whip diagonally, and straight up. Some great music too. It's a little long in the tooth though and I hated the final 3 bosses but overall an enjoyable title I'd recommend.

Castlevania: The Adventure (GB) - 0/5
I actively hate this game, like aggressively so. The first couple of levels are ok and I thought it might be a playable if forgettable experience. Level 3 however was designed by someone who actively hates joy, the player and wants to drain colour from life. A constant spike wall platform chase sometimes needing pixel perfect jumps or instant death? Fuck you level designer.

Castlevania II: Belmonts Revenge (GB) - 1/5
Slightly better than the first game, ran smoother not as frustrating, still bad.

Castlevania Bloodlines (Sega Megadrive/Genesis) - 4.5/5
Probably the best game on the collection, looks and plays great. Love the OST and I liked that it had two characters to play as too.

Kid Dracula (NES) - 3/5
Mildly amusing spin off game where you get to play as Kid Dracula, he throws fire balls rather than the whips the Belmonts use. This was more fun then it had any right to be.

Overall it's a well put together good value collection of classic gaming history. How much you actually enjoy the games though? The mileage you get out of this may vary.

+ Quick save, frames, borders and art book are nice features.
+ Great collection of titles many hard to get a hold of elsewhere.

- No universal control change options.
- I dislike most of the games in this collection.