Played this game with the DX patch, even if fixes some issues and adds a ton of QoL features (Including the posibility of getting your own brotherbands) I think this game by itself is a great start for a new saga.

I know a lot of people were disappointed on it since it wasn't a Battle Network 7 but this is its own thing rather than a Battle Network. Completing this game and specially the DX patch at the 100% shooting star mark wasn't easy but it was something that I really enjoyed doing in my free time.

The perfect start of a new saga, everything just nails it, the music, the gameplay, the collectibles, the details of the levels, the bosses and even the ending was perfect.

Remember when Shigeru Miyamoto stated that he didn't liked this game because the gameplay was garbage for him?

The best 10 FPS I had the pleasure of play, masterpiece, perfection, Capcom, don't ever touch this game again, not to port or collection, we don't need it, don't fix this, it doesn't need it.

Second part of the ''Third era'' of Touhou Project, this time Reimu and Marisa have to investigate incidents regarding spirits coming out of a geyser by going to the depths of the very hell itself.

This is my favorite Touhou Project game not counting spin-offs or fangames, gameplay is derivated from Mountain of Faith with 3 shots among the 2 playable characters but with the twist that we are gonna be having an specific partner which changes dialogues against bosses, endings and also changes the patterns against the Stage 4 boss.

Music is so on point, I could say this is my second favorite music in the entire series (Barely beaten by Imperishable Night) Stages 2 and 4 soundtrack are so good.

This is also my favorite cast in the entire series, from Yamame to Okuu and Orin, some youkais have actually really interesting backstory, specially Parsee and Satori.

Oh yeah, and this game is actually a sequel to Mountain of Faith, in the EXTRA stage you get more details on this :)

Tho, this game is also one of the most punishing and hardest in the entire series, I think it took me at least 20 game overs to get that sweet 1cc on Normal, feel no remorse to play this game on Easy.

Number of tries Normal 1cc: ...1 (Yeah, I beated this at the very first try, died a few times tho)

Character used: Youmu + Wolf

Fifth game of the ''Fourth era'' of Touhou Project, an excellent Touhou game, ZUN really nailed it with this one in everything, music, cast, plot and even the main villain.

We have the revamped UFO gimmick from Undefined Fantastic Object with the partner gimmick of Subterranean Animism and the double shot gimmick of Ten Desires, and it was so good how good it all merges together on this one.

Plot is... Kinda like a Yakuza war with personified animals and a Pegasus thrown in there, cool one tbh.

Music is something different but still retains the style that ZUN is well known for.

The only complain that I have about this game is that it has poor visibility problems on certain stages, specially Stage 5 and 6, I died 2 times on Stage 6 for bullets that I assured didn't touched me, too bad, It would've been a perfect game otherwise.

10 dolars for a very long rock album with a very well made fighting game included? Where do I sign?

Capcom, I'm still waiting for you to give Dante back his Grenade Launcher.

The best of the original trilogy, too bad the series got into the trash after this game, anyway, play the Japan release, it's WAY easier than the input reading USA release.

>Buy the game
>Play it on single player until you're ready to play Online
>Enter to a Random public room
>Everything goes normal until your turn
>Roll 1
>Keep rolling 1s until you land on a battle space
>Roll a 1
>Seagull evades with a 2
>Seagull rolls a 7
>Can't survive that shit

Every single game bro

Me the first time I saw this game: oh, cute girls doing cute things, a wholesome game.


Pretty good start for this spin-off series, good combat, interesting gimmicks on bosses, good story and good amount of secrets.

Funny short and wholesome game about a maid cleaning an appartament complex with a lot of funny minigames, cute costumes and a very nice art, also, god is a french duck and your employer has a crossdressing fetish.

Total count for 1cc on Normal: 9
Character used: Reimu A

After the fiasco we got on Ten Desires, ZUN delivers us a fucking good game for once.

Double Dealing Character, second game of the Fourth Era of Touhou Project, this time, our girls are noticing that Youkai and even non-sentinent tools are acting weird and causing havok so they go to investigate this new incident.

We have 3 characters this time: Reimu, Marisa and Sakuya, each one with 2 shoot options, enchanted tool and non-tool, similar to Ten Desires we have an unfocused shot which is shared between the shoot types and a focused shot which is different depending if we are playing with the enchanted tool or not.

The other gimmick introduced is regarding the Border Line item collect, depending on how many items we get in one go, we get bomb pieces and life pieces repeating at a cycle of five times.

This is a personal favorite and a pretty good game despite some patterns being kinda bullshit (Kagerou and Seija) and also is one of the buggiest games in the entire series, Sakuya A can kill bosses on their spellcard preparation time and Reimu A can do ABSURD amounts of damage sometimes.

A big surprise coming from the guys that made Touhou Luna Nights, this game is based on a REALLY OLD franchise by the name of Lodoss, in a lore-wise point of view, this game occurs years later after Deedlit finished her adventures with her group and it shows when we play this game.

This game is a metroidvania with the Ikaruga bullet absorption gimmick and some puzzles using arrows and ricochets, I felt it a bit longer than Luna Nights and harder than it, especially on the final boss.

Don't come looking for big lore on this game because it's not gonna be a lot to cover up, again, this game's main focus is Deedlit and Deedlit alone, take that into account if you're a fan of lodoss.