Far Cry Ranking List

Far Cry is a series I went from liking when I was in high school, to a series where I only like one or two in the series and flat out hating the rest. I mean it when I say I can't fucking stand any Far Cry game after 3.

It has the best gameplay loop, characters and story, and the best villain of the whole series.
To me Far Cry 4 was a huge step down from Far Cry 3.
The gameplay loop is weaker, its cast of characters is pretty unmemorable, the main character sucks. Really the only thing I liked was Troy Baker playing Troy Baker.
Compared to past Far Cry games this one feels really bare-bones and uninteresting and I didn't really care for it.
It's the same great gameplay from Far Cry 3 but now everything looks like it's ripped from 1980's pop culture.
While I don't think a lot of the new stuff works 100% it's still a really interesting FPS game for its time.
Never before in my life did I'd think I'd see I video game where the developers said to themselves, let's take away 12 years of evolution in game design just to because we want the game to take place in the Paleolithic Era.
This game deserves to be shunned and laugh at. We shouldn't be ok with the game coming out like this. If I'm gonna be paying 70 dollars for games from now on we deserve better.
This game is a proof of concept; that you can make a game so devoid of content, so devoid of meaning, so utterly devoid of a purpose, and it'll still sell.

No more, I'm so fucking tired of it and it needs to change.
This hasn't aged very well, but I still enjoyed its gameplay (Even though it was stupidly hard at points), its story was cheesy in a good way, and overall it was pretty good.
This might actually be the lowest point of the Far Cry series.
It's not especially terrible, nor is it amazing. It never reaches the hights of the first Far Cry, but it's not as unique so it just kinda sits there.
eh, it was fine, I liked the Vietnam location, it had a pretty neat premise, unfortunately it was still Far Cry 5 so it's still not that good.
Why are there so many versions of this one game that's not even that good?
Hey I have an idea, let's make a DLC on the most boring planet with the most repetitive missions, oh that's a great idea oh how about we put in the most annoying character in the whole series, oh that's fantastic.
Oh and how about we make it so that every time you touch the ground 4 or 5 enemies come up and it's really hard because we'll make the enemies really bullet spongy, yeah so we'll make you rely on this shitty jetpack for most of the DLC.

Expedition Everest but boring.
Just because you make fun of how overplayed zombies are in video games doesn't make it funny when you do the exact things you were making fun of.
This came out the same year as Barnyard for Wii and that game looks and plays better.
It's basically the same game but you get superpowers now, so yeah that's something I guess.


Far Cry 4 gets much better when you get the secret ending and think of it as a 20-minute short story of half-brothers reuniting.

2 years ago

@LinkBetweenGames but why would I pay $60 for it

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