easily one of the worst action rpgs ive played, didnt fully finish it
the game feels like youre a brick in a swimming pool, it feels stiff and unorganized

Im so glad i was able to finally play this classic, its easily one of my favorites in the series with the best gameplay and characters
i hope this game serves as a stepping stone for future persona games to come, im excited

Ive been watching this project for years and im glad its finally coming out
however i have a lot of critque with this game, the enemies do way to much damage, maps are sometimes confusing and some of the weapons straight up suck
i want to like this game more, but i feel like more balancing is needed for me to rank this as a super banger game

An exceptional retro shooter inspired by the best
what you get is a fantastic experience that has a clear vision but is also satisfyingly difficult, this is a true classic

This was definitely a strange game, one of the strangest ive ever played
Nightdive with another great remaster but this game really has issues, the poor level design and obnoxious enemies made it not fun to play
while it looks shitty on purpose, i had fun despite my heavy criticism

An FPS game absolutley brimming with personality, a good premise and an amazing artstyle
while short, its short but sweet
i adore this game, its addicting and fun

First YS game and i really enjoyed it, loved the story and the cast was awesome
it had really fun gameplay and exploration that kept me addicted, while getting the true ending is a pain it most certainly worth it

Super fun game, i finally got to play this classic for the first time through the remaster and it was very fun
Big hit to the game though is i did not like the constant fetch quest the game provided but when this game was good it was VERY good
music is top notch and just an all around comfy game to play

My first Metroid game ever, and i had an absolute blast with this game
All around a good time, while also being stress inducing in a fun way
there was barely any parts of this game that i could complain about to be honest

One of the best to ever do it. There isnt another series that does it like this. Best gameplay and story in the entire series, such a love letter to those who have played the entire series. When i finished this game i had to take a 30 minute walk outside with how good it was

This game has some very high highs and some super low lows, for one the pacing is absolutely awful in this
The moments that are peak are super good, but some of the characters in this game get there arcs killed off and it makes some of the writing very silly
Still a decent game though, and i enjoyed my time with it

First game on the new trails engine and gameplay style and oh my goodness its peak, and the new cast is very likable
Not much else to say then the game is good, and the ending sequence was a crazy experience for the first time

Although this game still has the awful boss syndrome of the first game, its SO much better then the first Cold Steel game
Really expands on Rean and the gang and gives the player a shit ton of tools and options to play with
ending is crazy as always too, the post game content also got me jumping out of my chair

Along with Sky FC this is probably one of the worst games in the trails series but its not ALL bad
however, the awful bosses and mediocre pacing really screw this game up as much as i like the cast
Even though it was my first, i aint gonna let nostalgia blind me

Easily one of the best trails games in the entire series, the insane plot twists and new character arcs on top of the gameplay makes it such a rememberable experience.... the final 3 hours of the game is the craziest ive ever seen a game get dude
ill always love this game