Its fucking insane that all the best sonic team games are the ones that don't star sonic.

The Peak of Video games, Wish Challenge mode wasn't 40 stages long

Monkey ball on the DS, not as good as 1 and 2, but its unique style gives it its own identity separate from the rest of the series, especially the other handheld games

The soundtrack is the best part.

I find this game very relateable because when i close my eyes my opp shows up and takes away my freinds nobility away

No burst makes this a real mans game, dont get hit.

Really love the ending credits for this game, for some reason, but other than that, this game rules........... 8ING sweep.......

Its a neat lil port that's also a roguelike, however its built off the dreamcast version which is built off of vampire saviour 2 so it unfortunately a true vsav roguelike experience.