
Games that Suda(& Grasshopper) directed or wrote, or involved with, work in progress...

No More Heroes
No More Heroes
Suda51's punk satirical masterpiece about a losers obsession with valor and honor amongst killers is still one of the funniest games ever made. Does it all mean anything or is it just one big joke? I'll let you know after I'm done mowing these lawns.
There's no other game quite like Killer7, the definition of a cult classic. Honestly there's a good case for this being my favourite of the studios work. Just a one of a kind gaming expierence.
No More Heroes III
No More Heroes III
Can't help but kinda love this game in spite of all of its shortcomings. Its not really concerned about being some epic or natural conclusion that gives long time fans a sense of cathartic release or happy end for someone like Travis Touchdown.... not that he ever really deserves one. Combat and soundtrack go dummy hard.
The Silver Case
The Silver Case
I didn't appreciate this right away upon initial reactions due to some cumbersome dated puzzles and borderline incomprehensible narrative. But has grown to be something I really love and admire. A strange surrealist dystopian noir adventure into the makings of a institutionalized killer. Can I borrow 50000 yen?
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Not nearly as bad people make it out to be but doesn't quite capture what made the original so special. The dual beam katanas were sick as hell at least, some killer boss fights and another GhM title where the Akira Yamaoka OST does a lot hard carrying.
Lollipop Chainsaw
Lollipop Chainsaw
I have a soft spot for this game as it was the first Suda51/GhM game I played back in 2013. It gets a lot of shit for being raunchy and crude but people forget this was a James Gunn collab and it shows. A hilarious grindhouse zombie hack n slash with the gross out humor of a Lloyd Kaufman Troma flick.
Flower, Sun, and Rain: Murder and Mystery in Paradise
Flower, Sun, and Rain: Murder and Mystery in Paradise
I have a love and hate relationship with the game and I think that was the point. For such a mundane and monotonous game its maybe the one Suda51 game that fully expresses his punk ideology and abandoning all traditional means of game design by simply telling the player to go fuck themselves constantly by walking all over this island doing needless handy work for other people when there are pressing matters at hand. Its infuriating and so damn compelling. hope it gets remastered for modern hardware someday.
Killer Is Dead
Killer Is Dead
There's inklings of a really great game here, it feels like the natural step between Killer7's style and a more refined No More Heroes combat. Unfortunately it doesn't evolve much of Grasshoppers interesting design much from previous action titles at that point and its fairly shallow in many ways (Gigolo missions included). Not gonna pretend this is some misunderstood masterpiece but not nearly as bad as people made it out to be, its fucking stylish as hell and absolute pure lunacy. A hacking good time.
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Suda at his most personal, introspective and meta. A borderline unapproachable game if you haven't at least finished half the games on this list. A self meditative reflection on ones own legacy and what it means to come back to the world of video games. A love letter to the medium and more. I hope to continue seeing Grasshopper take more ambitious swings like this one no matter the scale.
Shadows of the Damned
Shadows of the Damned
Maybe one day we'll get Kurayami. But SOTD is a fun grindhouse road trip to hell for what its worth. Maybe one too many dick jokes for its own good. Akira Yamaoka really out did himself here with the OST.
Let It Die
Let It Die
Shallow and lifeless, not the worst f2p game I've played but represents the lowest point of Grasshoppers catalogue. Okay maybe the Gigolo missions in Killer is Dead are worse. At least the soundtrack rules.
Black Knight Sword
Black Knight Sword
I love the Gilliam-esque aesthetics but the actual game is not very fun and maybe that was intentional. Sadly will be vaporware once the 360/PS3 digital stores are closed for good.
Blood+ One Night Kiss
Blood+ One Night Kiss
This has no right being as good as it is given it was a game that was quickly made in six months as a tie in licensed ip game for a anime. Wish it had a english fan translation so it was more accessible to play today.
Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day
Short Peace: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day


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