Played a fair amount of this but I feel like the game is lacking in it's current state. The core mechanics are a lot of fun but I wish there were more modes or more reasons to play. Ranked feels kind of pointless to grind through other than unlocking the harder tracks. I got up to Platinum before putting the game down, but I was still consistently getting top placements so I'm sure I could have gotten quite a bit further if I just put the time into it. Maybe I'll come back to this in a year to see how it's developed, but there is just not enough in the game right now, which is a shame because the core gameplay is quite fun.

Am seriously addicted to this. Even with a lack of songs and modes at the moment, I am thoroughly enjoying this game. This is really my first time playing a rhythm game of this style and although I sucked at first, I am loving the process of slowly getting better and better. Don't know if I'll consistently play this in the future, but will probably keep coming back to check out new songs or whatever else they add.

Had a blast coming back to the world of FF7R. Took me a second to remember how the combat worked, but once I got the hang of it I was reminded why I loved the first game so much. While the first chapter of this is a tad slow, chapter 2 has tons of great moments and really picks up the pacing. This just makes me even more impatient for FF7 Rebirth.

Super conflicted about my time with this game. Had a lot of fun with it at some points but kind of hated it at others. I played about 12 hours of this and while I think I could have gotten a lot out of this game if I chose to continue with it, I don't really have the time for a game this long if I'm not absolutely loving it. I thought that the gameplay in this was alright but really I was just playing to interact with the characters and see the story. I thought the main quest line was extremely uninteresting and the actual gameplay during those quests was really boring on top of that. What I found to be actually worthwhile was the side quests. There was one in particular that was quite sprawling, and I actually found the story more engaging than that of the main quests. There was obviously a ton about the game that was just frustrating as well, whether that be the movement on planets or the inventory system. I guess I just found the game to be a mixed bag. Glad I checked it out but would rather play a more condensed and focused RPG.

So happy to have gotten this as free DLC. Ragnarok's gameplay works great in this genre and the story of the game, while not mindblowing by any means, still works really well to bridge the gap between this and whatever future installment may come.

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I think from a gameplay perspective, they really knocked this one out of the park. Everything about the combat and traversal feels improved from 2018 and Miles Morales. I think the story is really where this game is lacking. The story is serviceable and has a lot of fun set-piece moments, but the characters felt lacking compared to the previous titles. Kraven as a villain felt underdeveloped and kind of just thrown in there to have some conflict until the symbiote story really took off. I also didn't buy the internal conflict of Peter and Miles as much as I think the game wanted me to. Miles especially felt thrown to the side for much of the game. Theres a lot more about the story that wasn't great but ultimately the game was still a ton of fun. The world is fun enough to be in and the characters are enjoyable enough to watch that even if the story isn't hitting like it should, you can kind of just sit back and turn your brain off.

Played about 10 hours of this which was enough to know it isn't for me. I was honestly just finding the game a slog to get through. The story seemed solid enough but I wasn't fully invested. The gameplay was solid as well but I could not stand the level design. It really made the game feel like a chore to play. I also just feel like the game was not paced very well. The pacing made it feel like an RPG but that's not what the game was really trying to be. All of the RPG elements felt half-baked and I would have just liked to see a condensed version of this that truly embraced that it was an action game at heart.

Put about 13 hours into the game at launch and it honestly wasn't doing much for me. As someone who adored the first game, this felt a bit lacking. The story was not engrossing me much at all, and while I think the core gameplay was definitely improved, I think I preferred the level design of the first game over this. I liked the more complicated levels of the first game and personally found that the more open level design in Survivor added very little to the gameplay for me. I might come back to this one day and just push through the main quest to see what happens. If I do I will update this.

Barely played this, didn't have much fun with it

I don't know why I owned this, but goated game

I didn't play a ton of this. Was decent but didn't hook me.

I don't think I ever beat this. Very forgettable entry in the franchise.

My 3ds was decked out in badges because of this game. Loved trying to collect all the pokemon ones.

I'm sure this is a really good game but I was like 11 when this came out and had no clue what I was doing.

I dont remember much about this, think I spent a lot of my time playing this in the multiplayer mode when I was younger.