Great 2d Zelda, with interesting premise and solid world and dungeon design. Suffers from framerate drops in overworld that break the immersion.

Amazing open world game, with unmatched exploration and very fun gameplay. Sadly suffers from weak story and characters, too few enemy types, shrines could use some more visual variety and side quests are low effort with disappointing rewards. Still had a blast.

Good, flawed game turned into very good, but still flawed experience. Many helpful quality of life improvments, 60 fpsdungeons, presentation and charming story make this the best SS experience, sadly its unnecessary bloated game at its core. Could have few hours shorter with one less Imprisoned boss fight and less backtracking and it would make better game.

Amazing platforming gameplay with fantastic presentation and story. Perfection for fans of the genre.

Collection of two very good games, sadly I enjoyed its cut scenes way less than psx original and it kinda takes away from story and game as whole. The pauses between dialogue, horrible voices you can't skip and low budget animations are inferior to psx cgi and sprite based cutscenes.

This games takes rouge lite formula and Animal Crossing formula and combines them together with interesting premise. Sadly halfway through the game you see all it has too offer and magic stops working on you as you explore repetitive dungeons and uncover that village part lacks depth. There's potential, but not realised.

I bested it, but it was a real struggle. Didn't even attempt 100%, cause that surely would have been hell. Repeated level themes and punishing level design with not yet perfected controls make a rough challenging experience, that may be enjoyed by platformer masochists. Fine game.

Wasn't as mind-blowing as I was to belive online, but still really fun puzzle game with ton of stages to beat and 100%. If you liked Capitan Toad stages in 3d World, you will love this game.

Really fun addon to 3d World, I had a blast.
But sadly it ends too soon.

It's fun, but not enough content

The biggest flaw imo are those early ps3 models and animations. Besides it has nice atmosphere, good soundtrack and good cast of characters and dialogue doesn't get boring. It can be pretty silly at times, but has darker monents. I really liked it.