Amazing dungeons, the best companion, epic story, make this the best classic 3d Zelda game. Wolf segments can annoy some players tho and beginning drags on, on repreated playthrough.

Great Zelda game with unique artstyle, charming characters, fun side quests and many more. Sadly dungeons are on the easier side, constant wind switching is annoying and the last main quest weights this game down. Still a great game.

Great game with amazing dungeons, but filled with small problems that add up. Fi constantly bothers you etc. There's no point in playing Wii original, when Switch version improves so much.

Everything the first game did, but imo this time made better. Fantastic cast of characters, great writing, overall amazing read.

Great vn with interesting premise, fun cast of characters and many mysteries to solve. Loved it.

Inspired 2d platformer, with great atmosphere, presentation, controls and level design. There are some weird difficulty spikes tho, but that's a small strach on this diamond.

Fantastic game, addition of Funky Kong gives Veteran new fresh way to reexperience this blessing of a game and casual easier way to enjoy the game. Sadly repeated bonus stages remained unchanged.

Fantastic platformer. Everything except repeated bonus stages is great.

Fun combat, good characters, very good presentation (with some flaws), great soundtrack, but I didn't like most new story elements at all, dungeons and "puzzles" are pathetic and moments when you slowly have to slide through some corridor are too common to be ignored.

Amazing cast of characters with interesting story and worlduilding. Gameplay is enjoyable too and can be tweaked to your preferences, if you want challenge you got it, if not then you can relax and enjoy the story and characters. Technically it's not graphically impressive game at all, but music is amazing and game is fully voice acted (and there are tons of dialogue from dozens of characters) and english localization and dub is the best I heard.

Amazing visual novel, with fun and lovely cast of characters, fantastic presentation for the genre, amazing soundtrack and really enjoyable plot. Highly recommended.

Amazing coop platformer, with great story, fantastic graphics, levels, controls, everything is just fantastic. This game impressed me all the time through. Perfection.

Very solid 3d platformer. Great controls, level design, a ton of fun challenge. Lacks soul if you compare it to games like Ratchet, but that's addressed in the sequel.

Great first attempt at 3d Kirby, had a lot of fun 100% it. Seems kinda safe, but I hope they push formula even further in the next installment.

Very fun platformer, easy on first playthrough, but shows its true colors in the post game modes. Had a blast finding everything in stages and beating hardest challenges in the game. DeDeDe mini game rocks.