A remake I didn't think I would ever see come about. The original game is a welcome expansion given how short it was on DS. I never played Another Code R before but I loved it here, though I learned about the massive amount of rewriting in its back half that makes me wanna play the original sometime. I also think they sanded down the puzzles a bit too much given what I remember about the DS original and what I heard about R's Wii puzzles.

I really REALLY hope we see a Kyle Hyde duology remaster

A remaster we never needed, but I vastly appreciate from the bottom of my heart. Honestly one of the best remasters ever made especially given hardly anyone from Prime's dev team is still at Retro.

Yuki Kajiura (and Shinji Hosoe) bangers can only get you so far. Some plot beats like the URTV arc are absolutely amazing but so much nothing happens otherwise and the combat sucks so much ass. God I wish 1&2 DS got translated.

I cried.

Really good expansion, love the combat to the point of wishing XB2 base could be played with these systems. All that being said I think the community gatelocking is far too awkward and should have been breadcrumbed better considering you only really get hit with it in the earlygame and literally right before the end. It's a pacekiller if you're not the type to inherently plug away at sidequests.

Rating these together because I can't separate it but I think the GBC ports as a whole are probably my recommended way of playing these two (or at least DQ1, 2 you may wanna go SNES).

Dragon Quest 1 through this port has aged really well, quaint little RPG you can punch out in a few sittings tops, if not one straight shot. I do think that it has growing pains but given how seminal it is, I'm willing to excuse it a bit.

Dragon Quest 2 improves a bunch and I'm sure if we were talking NES I'd call it a straight improvement, but I think it's in this awkward spot where it loses the quaint feeling from DQ1 while not having a fully realized scope to warrant that. I'm willing to somewhat excuse it again since this is the first one with multiple party members, but yeah it's more contentious for me. Endgame was hellish to boot.

Anyway I think I prefer DQ1 out of the two and I probably won't revisit 2 anytime soon even if it aged way better than Final Fantasy 2 lmoa

Still gotta replay it through Definitive Edition but I still feel pretty confident in saying this is great. I do think it's a little safe for the greater Xeno lineage, but it's still pretty great. I do wish more of the primary cast had proper main story presence, because some like Sharla get shafted pretty hard.

They finally make this a nearly perfect game, to the point my only gripe is that they committed Papa Nier oppression

Creators should have to obtain an official certification before they can write about themes of suicide.

I like a lot about Episode 1, but it has a lot of growing pains as well as signs of lacking budget. The lack of music along with how weirdly it leaves off left me feeling off about things.

I'm overdue for a replay but I maintain this is a fantastic game with a few nitpicks

It was good, but I do feel like it's for the best it was just marketed as a bonus for DE rather than its own standalone package a la Torna, since not much really happens in the moment here. Still definitely worth playing for a number of reasons though.

Aged amazingly well despite some jank, also think there's still some unnecessary padding, though the gunplay is so fun that I hardly mind.

Some routes could have used more screentime and some of the somniums could have been beefier, but I still love this game to bits. Absolutely endearing adventure game.

Really fucking impressive for an early 3DS game. I think the plot pacing gets really silly in the back half but it's not in a way that negatively impacts my enjoyment. The finale rocked.

I do think there should have been more V.S. segments though, it feels like you get Gingira way too late in considering he's in the prologue.

Also side-nitpick, the FMVs, be it for this port or the fan translation, have some pretty nasty data artifacting at times. It's not really busted, just scuffed. I kinda wish it was in a better spot on RPCS3 (supposedly has softlocking issues).