78 reviews liked by Seinfelddahog

The "Deadly Premonition" of sports video games

Very good Sonic-inspired music album. Apparently you get an extra game with it too but I haven't checked it out yet.

Awful and essentially unplayable.

Such a shame that Deadly Premonition revisionism is so entrenched that even the creators thought being a technical shambles was “part of the charm” - the 360 original ran perfectly fine and was fantastic because of its ambition & heart despite its budget and technical shortcomings.

This? A cynical 10 frame a second travesty.


a perfect video game. like seeing the future.

who the fuck in new york names their daughter fray

So, a pirate walks into a bar with a wheel in his crotch. The bartender says "hey, man, what's with the wheel?" And the pirate says "argh! It's driving me nuts!"

The reason white people believe in feng shui

i don't even think games like 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand and Metal Gear Rising Revengeance are half as insane as this simply because this actually cost a lot of money. they spent $200m on marketing a game where you massacre civilians in an airport about two hours in; a game where you receive quotes from, among others, Confucius and Dick Cheney on your death screen; a game that climaxes with the protagonist wrenching a knife out of their gut to throw at the bad guy.

replaying this for the first time in maybe a decade and just mouth agape through the whole thing. it's not a good game. but i kinda love it. played the campaign so much as a teenager listening to Metallica's Death Magnetic that the whole thing feels glued to my being. it's a problematic fave. i'll go the grave loving it, knowing full well i am going to hell for doing so.

Saw this tweet and it made me immediately think of this game. It's one of my favorite open world games ever, easily the best thing Ubisoft made in the last 15 years, and the story and vibes always stuck to me as a fantasy that I wished was truly real, haha.

This game oozes personality like no other. The open world really feels like a world, unlike a checklist simulator. Everyone in here feels alive, from the protagonists to the people on the streets.
The gameplay, though just a simple tps, can get pretty deep if you decide to make a "no kill" run (I recommend the maximum difficulty, it's amazingly fair).
An actual example of Cyberpunk in the modern age, Watch Dogs 2 really lodges into your heart if you give it an opportunity