Was fun the first 10 runs or so then became incredibly repetitive and boring. Helldive missions were fun until they became frustrating. Played with friends, too. Everyone thought the same. I kinda regret spending 10 dollars on the premium pass, too

Honestly the only good thing in this game is the combat and the character designs (Female rover/Yinlin I'm looking at you). The rest? If you played Genshin, 90% of the content will feel the same. Why? Because it is. WuWa managed to be more grindy than Genshin, and that's telling something..

Gonna see what happens in the future and if they decide to do something new.

Played on an emulator

Didn't complete yet, so far about 40% into the story, but unicorn overlord is a great strategy game, where strategy and team compositions/tactics are actually what decides if you'll win a fight or be utterly run down into the ground.

Vanillaware artstyle so it's an automatic good rating from me, but I was honestly surprised how good the game plays and how much there is to do. The world is full of lore and sidequests, and it's actually worth completing them.

More hades and a new protagonist. The weapons feel good so far, there are some really bad boons and some really good boons, so the balancing still has ways to go, but for early access, Hades 2 is great.

I made the mistake of calling this game budget bloodborne, it's a fully fleshed soulsborne game in its own right. The world is much more similar to Bloodborne than any other fromsoft game, but the gameplay is unique and it has some unique mechanics like assembling weapons from different parts, something like Vagrant Story had. It's hard but not too hard to the point I'd call it harder than DS3, but it's a bit harder than Bloodborne. The bosses are really well designed and it has a bossfight with multiple enemies, just like most other soulsborne games had. I'm shelving it because I reached the Grand Exhibition area and it started spamming enemies left and right, most of all, it spams enemies in tight corridors and overhead areas like support beams. Definitely picking it up later.

Such a fun game, an action RPG with lots of characters with unique movesets. I loved every bit of the combat, even if it felt a bit repetitive at times.. The grind is acceptable, but there's still grinding if you want to get more levels on weapons or characters. Very short game though, main story takes around 10-12 hours to beat, and the story is a tad bit corny (full of anime cliches and stuff like that), but it's enjoyable enough for me to ignore that stuff. There's also content after you beat the game, so it's a big plus. Also, online is fun, too.

If you like pokemon and crafting/survival games you're gonna love this. Plenty of content even in early access. Despite what people said, this is not a ripoff of Pokemon, since it plays completely different and most (keyword most) pals are original, some are blatant copycats with some changes. But hey, fuck nintendo so I don't really care.

It's more Tekken, they improved the fighting and customization, what's not to like?

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I didn't play but I watched a playthrough, and 90% of the game is looking at your phone. Where the protagonist is trying not to off herself because she was bullied online. Like what the fuck even is this hahah? I swear if they ruin SH2, there will be consequences.

Great remake. Never really liked the original RE4 that much but this one made me change my mind. Even if repetitive sometimes, it's still fun until the very end. Great boss fights, feels like they really wanted to keep the originals as much as they could. Also fuck the Regenerators in this game.

After my first disappointing run-in with a bug that kept me from progressing, I finally ended Phantom Liberty and I decided to save Songbird. Fly high 🫡

Been replaying this recently for the third time. It's still probably one of my favorite adventure games. The gunplay is great, the powers are fun to use, each encounter is a challenge, and the world is filled with secrets and fun to explore. The game runs great with RTX enabled, little to no slowdown. The encounters CAN get a bit repetitive, especially when backtracking, but it's just fine.

Definitely goty, probably the best true roleplaying game by far. You have a lot of different classes and subclasses, a huge world to explore, a lot of side content and a really good main quest. Every choice matters, approach any situation/fight as you wish, you can even leave cutscenes and alter them if you do something that would cut the cutscene short. Larian truly set a new standard for RPGs

I refuse to play this until they optimize it with a couple of patches. It runs like absolute shit (Ryzen 7 5800, RTX 3070). I should never be getting anything below 60 fps with this configuration in 2023 with all settings set to low.

From what I played it seems like the standard bethesda gameplay loop combined with no man's sky mechanics.