I was wondering if I should log this here. Played a handful of acts and my general reaction to it was something in the lines of:
- looks ugly
- plays very sluggish
- screen feels too small, even on PC
- soundtrack tries to be Mega Drive, but it doesn't try doing something interesting with the sound chip
Honestly? Just play the crappy Speedy Gonzales Romhack for the SNES that was titled "Sonic The Hedgehog 4". It's as sluggish as this, but at least the "SONIC SONI-" sound makes me giggle.

There's nothing cooler than killing a boss by throwing a cash register at it while you're wearing the Mega Man X costume with a Servbot mask on.

@ryuk0tsuki why did you do this to me AMY ROSE DROWNED

While I find SMB1 to be pretty good and Lost Levels/USA to be the standard messy sequel, SMB3 feels like the proper upgrade to the original SMB1 in everything possible.
More upgrades for Mario, tighter level design, one of the most beautiful soundtracks for a game of this time, a bunch of minigames and a ton of freedom for the player to do whatever they want to do.
Maybe my only grasp with this one is the obscene amount of scrollers in this bad boy.... doesn't help that every final stage in the world is pretty much one, too.
The difficulty in some spots can be borderline trial and error, too. Which is fine, the game hands you extra lives like a madman, but I'm not too fond of it. Possibly these two things are what push this game a bit back for me at least.
Still, this game was my absolute childhood, alongside SMW! It's definitely a gold standard when it comes to difficult platform games.

The absolute platinum standard when it comes to platforming games. If SMB3 was a step forwards in comparison to SMB1, this one is a gigantic leap when it comes to level design, creativity, sound, difficulty and just overall player liberty.
My fear that nostalgia could be making my memories blurry when it came to how much I loved this one was just that, fear. Replaying this with an open mind and paying attention to what made this game work just made me remember why I stood in front of the tv day in day out playing this one.
It's not a particularly long game, the levels are very interesting and a bunch of them even have branching exits that lead to secrets or shortcuts. Naturally, I went for full completion so I did all the stages and did all possible exits for the ones that have that.
Difficulty wise, this one is a lot more forgiving in a good way. I may have finished the game with 99 Lives, but I lost quite a bunch on the Bowser levels and on the Special Stages (Tubular is still a pain in the butt lmao)
Overall, replaying this was pleasant, couldn't help but just keep a big smile on my face as I listened to the gorgeous soundtrack and saw the beautiful sprite work.

One of my favorite racing games of the SNES! Would love to come back to this one someday, but the gauntlet of playing 16 countries with 4 stages each can be somewhat tiresome, specially considering this is an old racing game.

I finished this in 20 minutes.
Then again, I played this one a LOT in my SNES days. Muscle memory is still pretty much intact, so I could deal with the stages and bosses in the quickest way possible.
Quite honestly, this game is a blast! (No pun intended). There's a lot to do with 2 Players in this. Matter of fact, the story mode almost forces you to have a friend or family member alongside you, so you can get the bonus points and upgrades.

While not my favorite PS1 Mega Man game, this one was quite a lot of fun to revisit!
The level design isn't as good as previous titles, but the game compensates that a lot with presentation, soundtrack and visuals for the 32-bit console.
Naturally, the biggest issue when it comes to MM at this time is the voice acting. Which is a crying shame, considering how pretty the animations of this period were for both this and X4.
The plot in this one is a bit... out of this world, pun somewhat intended. Are they telling me there's a robot who roams space looking for "Evil Energy" and they just plainly refuse to elaborate on who Duo and what the Evil Energy actually is?
This being said, I really dig Duo's design, and I found the Bass boss fight to be quite enjoyable too!
Also, can't believe I pretty much nailed both of the board stages on first try this time around. The freaking "Jump Jump!" were the bane of my existence some good 20 years ago....

MMX5 marks the "ending" of the X series. Or... at least it should have. But weirdly enough this one seems to have less budget than X4, and not only that but Inafune pretty much cleansed his hands of this project and moved to other ones, leaving a secondary team to having to deal with finishing a series that in theory he started.
So, how does it fare?
This game tries to be heavier in lore than any of the previous X games. Since there's no animated cutscenes in this one, what we get instead are a bunch of dialogue boxes and a somewhat annoying sound to acompany the typing. In one hand, the story is quite simple but the way they go around to explain the events is weird to say the very least. What's the reasoning behind Dynamo destroying Eurasia so it causes a total destruction of the Earth if it drops? Who the hell knows. How did Sigma infect the entire planet with a virus by being destroyed on a statue-sized body? Who the hell knows!
Honestly, the idea of this game feels like a custom D&D one-shot session where your party has to figure out a way to stop the end of the world, while the DM says that "Hey, you can use this cannon to try and destroy that. You can shoot it without any upgrades and it will probably miss, OR you can get all the upgrades and still probably miss, but your character will get stronger!" And to be quite frank, I dig the concept of a time limit. What I don't dig is how even if you do everything absolutely right, the Shuttle still has a small chance to just fail and you go to the Bad Ending route, making you lose Zero in the process. 10 year old me figured that one out the worst way possible. Naturally, the exact opposite can happen and you actually destroy the colony with the cannon, basically allowing you to skip 4 stages! Which... also flabbergasted 10 year old me back then.
Replaying this in the Xtreme difficulty made me notice that even without the enemy drops (and increased enemy presence in the stages), this game is still somewhat easy. It took me some good two hours to beat X4, but this one just took one.
Also, while i dig the concept of the Level System for the bosses, in execution it leaves a LOT to be desired. Locking certain upgrades behind not only the level they are (which is connected to the time remaining before the colony collides) is really frustrating, specially since the game doesn't tell you which part you will get by picking more health or more energy for your weapons.
And if I have to talk about the level design for a bit... some of the levels feel like plainly X4 levels that were scrapped or slightly reworked. The one stage where you use the bike and you can just immediately die is so screwed up for instance.
Still... while it feels like I complained a lot, this is still one of my absolutely favorite games of the franchise.
The team truly tried doing a replayable game where you can get multiple routes and outcomes, and while it's a bit janky, it makes for an enjoyable experience, specially seeing the different outcomes. Hell, the dialogue some of the bosses have if you let the world be destroyed is absolutely sad and dark. Alternatively, seeing some of them getting gradually corrupted over their dialogue is also really screwed up. And then there's the bat boss, who just says SQUEAK WHO CARES and I absolutely giggle everytime I see that dialogue.
On one hand, it's a bit sad that the armor system on this one was swapped for the "two armors, but you cannot use them incomplete", but on the other hand doing the stages as normal armor X is one of my favorite things to do, as it makes the game a biiit more harder to play around (unless you are using the parts upgrades, but still).
The soundtrack in this one, while not as great as X4's, still has some amazing tracks (Sigma Stage 2 is CRAZY), and I do like the way the game sounds, too. Using the japanese voices from X4 instead of the english ones is a very deserving upgrade.
Still, while this one is a 5/5 for 10 year old me, current me understands what makes a great game BE great. In my heart this one is still my favorite, but in terms of quality? Not quite, and I wished they worked on this one just a little bit more.
Naturally, if you do want to play this one outside of the Legacy Collections, I cannot reccomend enough the Improvement Mod that fans made for this one. It polishes that game to such a way it becomes one of the better PS1 Mega Man titles.

Holy fuck.
Been forever since I played a Remedy Game, and it's been a couple years since my first playthrough of Alan Wake 1 as well. Decided to try this one out to see what I would get and...
Yeah, if there's a high-quality Twin Peaks ripoff out there, this one is absolutely that one. And boy I'm glad it exists, because the concepts and ideas this game has make the first game look so small in contrast.
I love the live action segments and the mixture of visuals, specially when playing as Alan. Saga's gameplay feels closer to how Alan played in the first game, with the very welcoming dodge button and weapon upgrade system to it.
I love how you can just explore the area around Bright Falls too, and the small fetch quests of finding the lunchboxes, nursery rhymes and stashes hidden around the map.
Welp, if I have to deduct half a star over anything... is just how this just won't run on a low-end laptop at ALL. I can see why it doesn't run, this motherfucker has a fuckton of post-processing happening in your face almost 24/7. If this ever releases on game pass or if I get a console in the near future, I am definitely replaying it.
Overall, the madmen at Remedy know how to make a high quality game that's absolutely weird from beginning to end. I am definitely replaying their stuff in the coming weeks as well. :)

"Something clicked for the final time. My mind had never been so clear, as if somewhere high above the storm clouds were already gone, cold stars gazing from the black skies."

Remedy's MAX PAYNE is truly one of the greatest shooters of it's time. A perfect mix of action, thriller, noir, that 90s weirdness and the ever cool bullet time element.

The story is basically your standard noir thriller. Max's family is murdered by junkies, so Max goes undercover so he can figure out what or who is the reason behind the new drug that's going around NYC. Of course, nothing is that easy and eventually he gets not only the city's gangs, but also the police looking for him.

There's nothing cooler than going around at dirty, dark New York City, killing gangsters and thieves that get in your way as you dodge, jump around and kill them with your sawed-off shotgun. And all of that as Max gets snarky as all hell around them, and the gangsters fear the one-man army right in front of them.

Keep in mind, I did have to go out of my way to patch this game to hell and back (or rather, my sister did), since running this on modern machines is absolutely impossible without tweaks. Apparently even the difficulty curve of the game is broken without tweaking it??

While I absolutely enjoyed the experience, I have to admit I'm not too big of a fan of the trial and error element of this game. Sometimes enemies will one tap you with a shotgun blast, so you better have saved soon, or else....
And not to mention, there are some specific segments where the game attempts to make you do platforming, and boy are those annoying sometimes.
Still, this is still an amazing shooter if you're looking for one. Naturally I would recommend you wait for Remedy's remaster of this bad boy.
Also RIP James McCaffrey...

Rondo of Blood is classicvania perfected in all manners. The sprite work in this game is still so beautiful it was pretty much the gold standard for Castlevania Sprite Work for years to come.
And gosh, that SOUNDTRACK. My man is dancing his way to Dracula's Castle in most of these tracks.
The level design is insane here as well. Most stages are fairly linear, but every now and then you'll find a branching path that could be harder but more rewarding, or even better: Alternative Stages. All of them with their own optional bosses at that.
Richter and Maria are so much fun to play here, Item Crash is an insane feature in this, and I absolutely love it.
Dracula X/Rondo of Blood and Symphony Of The Night are two sides of a coin, both being the gold standard of each Castlevania style.

This game was quite the journey. A lot of ups, but so many downs that it made reaching the end such a bitter note for myself.
In terms of combat gameplay, this game is one of the better entries for Bethesda. Weapon control feels much heavier and interesting, much more potential moments where VATS feels like an extra thing and the focus is absolutely on your aim. The guns, be them normal or laser ones, feel so distinct one from another and the fact that the game constantly gives you new and different (but not necessarily stronger) versions of a weapon with benefits (and sometimes detriments) makes the weapon rotation a lot more interesting.
Also, weapon/armor customizations are so cool. I absolutely digged how this game wants you to focus on DIY stuff. "Want a more potent pistol but with less recoil? Try changing these parts!" or "Do you want to carry more stuff with your armor? Put some extra pockets in it!" Simple stuff that can fit your general behavior during a playthrough.
Also, how can I not mention the absolute coolness that are the power armors in this? The fact that they have their own HUD, mixed with the sturdier movement and noises truly make you feel like a behemoth walking around the wasteland.
Naturally, the atmospheric soundtrack that this game has is maybe my favorite of the entire series so far. Some tracks feel barren and whistful, while others just exhale the technology that survived the 200 year nuclear blast.
Now.... how come I wrote an obscene amount of paragraphs praising the hell out of this game, and yet it's just a 3/5 for me?
Well... they really screwed up on making this the role-playing game of the 2010s by streamlining it to almost a fault. And I just don't mean the 4 option type of dialogue, oh no. While those are bad enough as they are, since it's generally a positive, a negative, a "push further" and a sarcastic comment, I also felt that the main character, "The Lone Survivor", isn't.... great. It's really funny how Fallout 3 almost nails how to build your character's personality from the very beginning of it all, and New Vegas just gives you total and full freedom from the get go (arguably my favorite of the two), and this one.... welp, if you pick the Man, he's always going to have the former job of a soldier, while the Woman has the job of a lawyer. And considering how the plot in this works, you can't make me believe for a second that either of them would just nail how to use a Power Armor from the get go, and even crazier, fight one of the strongest enemies in the series on like the second quest.
Also, the skill tree from the previous games is long gone. No more skill point allocation for you! Now they're pretty much streamlined into the perks. There's no way I'll screw up my point allocations and miss some key mechanics because of this, right???
Welp, as much as I praise the DIY element, I'm not too fond of building the houses and security stuff in this. It's... just not my thing? But at some point I gave it a shot and found it was pretty alright.... until I noticed I couldn't do everything with it, like say, build some stuff that can help you create better armor and upgrades, since that is stuck on a Charisma Level 7 perk.
The game wants you to use such mechanics so badly, and yet it locks out some key elements that makes them a lot easier for the player behind the SPECIAL points.
It's not that terrible of a deal, since leveling up goes pretty much ad infinitum here, so you will get there. But having such elements locked out don't feel interesting enough. Maybe locking out stuff like people selling stuff at settlements and higher quality defenses behind the perks wouldn't be such a bad idea, but in the long run it just made me less interested in investing such time.
Now... for me, Fallout is about exploring the barren wasteland, and Commonwealth has so many cool stuff around it! I was just walking around and found a building where people were locked inside trying to figure out how to build a better chest piece for a power armor. And I did manage to get it and it was really cool!
Cut about 60 hours later, and the game takes me there. The main character never ever mentions being there beforehand, nor the game seems to care. This happened way more than I'm happy to say. I pretty much killed one boss type enemy, just so a lot of hours later the game told me to "capture" him, and I was like "oh god. I killed him, though." so I went back there and voila, he's alive and well once again.
I barely even talked about the main plot here, and.... what's there to say. Like, really. I feel like I've seen Fallout use this "Can X be considered human, too?" with Ghouls, Super Mutants, and whatever it's not a normal walking human on the past games, so making this the main focus really got me the wrong way. Doesn't really help how I didn't like the "plot twist" here. It's somewhat well done, yes, but I kinda wish there was more to it.... oh well.
While I didn't find Fallout 4 an atrocious experience, I do feel some resistance coming back to it and finishing the DLCs. Although I do hear some good stuff about Far Harbor.... I'll leave that one for next month, maybe.
Overall, if you're playing this, expect a more streamlined experience altogether. Wouldn't say it was a waste of time, just..... expected a little more from the biggest game in the series. (I'm ignoring 76)

While I still find the Tails/Eggman stages to be a drag, I can't help but still absolutely love the hell out of this game. This game is the definition of cool. Sonic/Shadow stages are cool, the soundtrack on Knuckles/Rouge stages are cool. Shadow is the coolest.