Extremely innovative and important game, painful to play

Great game feel but horribly disappointed at the railroading

I found it very hard to play the original for several reasons, this version fixed basically every issue I had with it. I still wish I could play on mouse and keyboard but given that that's a fantasy for a Nintendo game, this is as good as you can expect.

The amount of times it locks the path behind you is the only thing keeping this game from perfection. By far the best feeling Metroid, movement and combat wise.

The only Igvania where you actually play as a Belmont

Probably a hot take but I find this to be the best Castlevania. Normally I like my Metroidvanias more interconnected and less Mario 64, but I found the separate maps strangely satisfying, as well as the partner feature.

It was good but didn't leave much of an impression on me, now several years later I can barely remember anything specific about it

I've played a lot of Metroidvanias, and this is the best.

The combat feels like a platform fighter and I love it.

I adored this game when I first played it. Nowadays I realize that it's mainly just because I love metroidvanias and this was one of the first ones I played. Still, it holds a special place in my heart.

Wish it was less linear, but the amazing story makes up for it.

It's a damn shame to me that this game apparently didn't earn out as it's one of the best metroidvania experiences I've had. The top-down overworld connecting side-scrolling areas is a unique concept I've only really seen before in Adventure of Link, and a fresh take over other metroidvanias I've played. It also allows the world to be huge. I wanna say this took me about 50 hours to finish. Metroidvanias tend to be short, the only other one I can think of that's that long is Hollow Knight which is just built different.

Nothing groundbreaking but does what it set out to do almost to perfection.

I had an idea for a metroidvania where left click shoots and right click grapples and they stole it from me

The vibe is great and the game has a good art style but unfortunately it had huge crashing issues for me. It actually crashed for me after killing the final boss