I wish I liked this game more. I think with a couple key design changes I could have REALLY liked it. The concept is cool, the combat is very satisfying when it works.

I was surprised at how much fun this was (probably not fun by yourself though)

Zany, good dungeon design, the first time Link had a non-Zelda love interest (a trend strengthened in OoT by a lot), what else can you ask for?

What is there to say? The first Zelda game that made the formula every game until Breath of the Wild followed, and it does it damn well. I have a slightly hot take that pretty much every game that came after did it better, though, making this a lower-tier Zelda game for me (while still being a super high tier game in general).

Along with Oracle of Seasons, has some of the tightest dungeon design in the series. If I had to choose, I probably slightly prefer Seasons due to its overworld being less constricted, but this game has the better story and characters.

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I think this game is better than people give it credit for. Linebeck is one of my favorite characters in the series, due to his change from a coward to a genuine hero (the moment when he stabs Bellum gives me goosebumps every time).
The sailing is still fun, honestly more fun than Wind Waker, and customizing your ship is cool. I love being able to draw on the map to remember things as well. People give it flack for having to redo the areas in the ocean temple, which is fair, but I think it's kinda satisfying to use your new tools to blast through those areas.

The biggest issue is obviously the controls, which I have no defense for. I tried out a D-pad mod for this game for a bit, maybe I should continue that and see how much it actually improves it.

Unfortunately, probably my least favorite Zelda game from Link to the Past onward. I don't have much unique to say about it; the train riding is constricting and kinda boring. Also as a kid, I couldn't get the flute to work.

By far the coolest part is Zelda actually doing something. They also learned their lesson from people's frustrations in the last game and made the dungeon you return to, not make you repeat the old areas.

I think this is, objectively, the best Zelda game (Ocarina of Time still takes the gold based on my nostalgia goggles). The many dungeons are well designed, the tools are unique and fun (though some are under-utilized outside their respective dungeons), the world is big and full of secrets, the combat is some of the best in the series. Really everything I could want in a Zelda game.

The joystick controls brought this game up from good but frustrating, to a near-masterpiece for me. Without the frustration holding it back, I was fully able to enjoy the story, the characters, and the direction-based combat (which is actually pretty cool).

The dungeons are really good, especially in the latter half. The overworld areas feel like dungeons, which isn't always great since there's a pacing reason Zelda games have that separation, but I didn't find it hampered my experience all that much. The sky is fairly empty, but the little bits of content you do find around are fun.

They took an already great game a shiny coat of modern paint, in terms of both graphics and quality of life. Basically the perfect example of a remake.

The small world gives a short but sweet experience. Swapping between being normal and small sized, while sometimes cumbersome, is a unique slant I haven't seen in another game, and really does make this game stand out. The dungeons are fairly straightforward, but are fun to run through.

By far the worst thing is the figurines. Even cheating with save states, they sucked.

This game was a masterpiece in its time. Today? Well, it's still pretty damn fun to play. Admittedly, I've never gone into it completely blind, so maybe my opinion would differ if I had.

Probably the best top-down Zelda. The painting mechanic makes exploring the world and dungeons completely unique to other games in the series and genre.

My third favorite Zelda game. The sense of adventure and exploration is unbeat from pretty much any other game I've played. The dungeons are few and fairly straightforward but still fun to go through, and this games real focus is its massive overworld and grand story.

My fourth favorite Zelda game, and the one with the best tone, themes, and story. I was terrified of it as a kid, and even as an adult the clock stresses me out, but if you use the inverted song of time and generally know what you're doing it's really not that bad. As an adult, I can appreciate the world and dungeon design much more.