What a brilliant game honestly.
It was a revisit from my childhood days, but it honestly held up even better than before.
I did not remember it being so cinematic and with such a wide range of humour, wisdom and storyline as well.
Just brilliant characters, immersive gameplay, AND IT HAS A SECOND ENDING? All around top class game.

Holy moly, they really expanded the universe with this one. With a proper story and everything, I feel like this is where the game really launched itself to a next level contender.
Even the plot going from just go kill X and we going around like a minion to some extent to actual rag to riches kind of a story that actually circles back. 3 Proper Cities to experience, and a whole lot of different gameplay to experience was just top quality stuff. Granted, I still felt a little remiss to give it a full 5 star just because I felt that the game while it introduced a lot of different mechanics, for the most part, it never got utilized again, for example sneaking missions or different modes of transports etc, but the even bigger reason for just that .5 is that I feel like the game was too big to handle itself properly and therefore stuff loading was a little too like if you look away its gone or cars spawning right in your face which was kinda sucky on the graphics end.
But overall an amazing game for sure.

Oooh this was a much better upgrade. The shooting could still get some work, but the whole taking over, building an empire, the story. All the issues I had in the previous game were addressed which I love so much.
I felt like the game was kinda short, only extended by the last mission coming after I had built up an empire which I didnt quite get was what was happening, but overall, still pretty great game in all aspects.

Another start of a series journey.
I'm starting to feel like I'm one of those born in the wrong era kinda people except this is my era and I just never played the games at the time of release.
Regardless, pretty standard game, I'd say nothing too out of the ordinary and if I'm being honest while it must have been revolutionary for the time, the game had a lot of annoying mechanics that were not at all fun to be around. Also I dont know how much more costly or difficult it is to implement, if your main character does not speak, it really is like a massive negative in my books for the gameplay and story. Even in terms of immersiveness, just having people shoot you all the time was just straight up annoying and not even remotely comparable to gang violence or enemy territory.
The journey continues.

Amazing game. Love the fact that it has shared keyboard options. Played it as a 2 player mode. No complaints whatsoever about it. Absolutely brilliant and a must try for any one looking for coop games in this day and age.

On a bit of a Warcraft Lore binge. I had never actually played this before and so decided to scratch that Play from the Beginning itch of mine.
For its time, this must have been pretty impressive, but felt clunky to play for now at least, especially with the only selection of 4 units at a time, the stories being pretty much exactly the same as the other campaign, nonetheless a fun blast down memory lane.

Another attempt at trying to find a coop mystery solving game like Unsolved Case, but this one didnt really require as much coordination, and was very easy to work through for the most part, and to an extent just trial and errored as well when stuck.
Was a little disappointed to find out this was just a prologue and not the whole game, it ended quite abruptly.

As a fan of Coop games, this was quite interesting, but also, it goes without saying that it ended way too quickly. I guess its a prequel in that sense that its just a free game to make people interested, but yeah, would have been nice if it went longer.

Interesting direction they decided to take from Far Cry. In terms of the feels of being in the Jungle or an African city vibe, they got that down perfectly. That being said this was far more open world to the previous game which actually meant a lot of the game was just driving from one place to another before the mission started.

In terms of the story though, I absolutely hated it if Im being honest, while the original Far Cry had some really cheesy dialogue, I would take cheesy dialogue to muted no identity soldier. Like how does it make sense that we go about doing everything in this game without uttering a single word, massive let down on that part.

Other than that, I had no real complains, the controls were nice, the graphics was beautiful and each area was pretty well built that it truly felt like traversing the jungle most of the time.

A nice game, that could have developed a little bit more on the storyline and potentially voice acting too.

Pretty fun game. Starting off with Far Cry in order to get to play every game in the Far Cry Series, and even though Im playing this 20 years from when it was released, I can tell it was pretty exceptional as a game to begin with.

The story was kinda funny, and for a fair amount of time I was confused what was happening since the game didnt really give a proper explanation but it sort of got a little better at explaining why the events occured which was kinda nice.

The graphics were pretty decent for a 2004 game, and I liked the soundtrack really cemented the feeling of traversing the jungle being chased by enemies.

As someone whos not much of a shooter, I feel like the controls were pretty nice in actually getting me used to them., although the vehicular controls were really horrible so I was really glad to avoid any usage of that movement.

The game slightly got repetitive by the end. Traversing through various forms of similar landscapes, shoot bad guy, reach x place, etc, but overall the game was short enough to not be dreary. There was supposedly a way to play this with stealth but Im not entirely sure how possible that would have been, would I to ever replay this, it would be to experience that.

Overall a fun game that was probably a game changer back then, and definitely worth playing and the time investment.