Amazing game ruined by janky platforming. Can’t tell you how many times I died from crappy mechanics/not grabbing ledge/sliding down wall…combat is rich and rewarding, and every hit feels chunky and weighty — absolutely loved it. However, some enemies and bosses cheese the hell out of you. Like, not able to stand up because they keep hitting you. Despite all of that, super fun game — just not one I plan on picking back up.

Fantastic game to play. Ended just where I wanted it to time wise, but a game I’m actually excited to pick back up later and
Explore some more. True gem.

Such an awesome metroidvania—loved playing this game. Art was fantastic, enemies and bosses were unique and fun. Got a little bit easy by the end...not sure if it was my weapon combination or what, but none of the end bosses even required me to heal, and I wasn't even battling smart. Regardless, loved the game. Story absolutely was baffling and I have no idea what happened...but it was fun anyways.

Great game that didn’t overstay its welcome. Absolutely beautiful backdrops — and all the attacks and spirits just felt nicely weighty. Bosses were all relatively quick to figure out, but still enjoyed the challenge of getting there!

Wayyyyy to drawn out. Cut it in half, and you’ve got a good game.

Quick and easy but oh so satisfying. Terrifying at first like subnautica, but you gain confidence as you upgrade your ship and venture further and further. Fun story. Loved every minute!

Perfect. So unique but super short — and I loved it for that. Did it right and ended before it got boring :)

Fun and simple game. A bit challenging at times, but just takes a minute to learn the boss’s move set and you’re golden. Still, felt rewarding — and I actually liked how short it was. Appreciated them not dragging it out!

Great game! Absolutely love Elden Ring, so thought I’d go see its inspiration and roots. A lot of flaws and clunky mechanics that made me want to throw the switch through the wall…but overall a very fun, rewarding game. Hard as crap, but on so worth it. Can’t wait to play Ds2 and DS3.

I’m still in the process of playing, but this might be my all-time favorite game. It’s perfect. Absolutely perfect. No complaints.

Amazingly addictive and immersive game. My first true survival game, and I thought I’d really not dig the whole ocean
Thing…br gosh, I was wrong. I loved it. Exploration was great, and the learning curve was perfect. Couldn’t have asked for a better intro to the genre — it definitely whet my appetite.


Fun, beautiful game. Some puzzles were a little annoying, but overall a great game. The length was actually fine with me :)


Fantastic game! Addicting playthrough cycle and the perfect level of difficulty. I felt like it took me forever to make my first escape, and I thought the game was over...but no, it continues. After countless more deaths, I finally got the 2nd escape—and the next 8 were all a streak. Still, rewarding gameplay with all the different weapons and boons yo can experiment, and the extra heat (difficulties) you can set keep the challenge alive as you build up your character. Gosh, what a good game. Sad for it to be done. Can't wait for the next one!

So good! Took the amazing first one and just added to it. Combat felt super fun, and I loved all the new abilities. Great exploration and platforming. Boss battles were a bit easy, especially with the lightning spear thingy...but I was overall super pleased with the game. Loved it!