Games with characters who's limbs/parts of their body float

Suggestions are welcome.

Norstein Bekkler
Tasque Manager
Various Characters
Various Characters
Guard Armor
Wiz (And alot of other kirby games)
Various Pokemon throughout the series
All of the Rayman games.
Andross (And most of the other star fox games)


1 year ago

There's a pretty big streak in the Kirby series between Return to Dreamland and Star Allies where pretty much any new character added had floating hands (Magolor, Taranza, Haltmann, etc.)

1 year ago

Amazing Mirror also has that one boss guy with floating limbs

1 year ago

honestly it's a pretty general staple of kirby, i remember mr shine and mr bright all the way back from adventure

1 year ago

Pretty much every Star Fox goes here

1 year ago

IDK Mr shine and mr blight dont seem to have separate limbs

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